ホーム 生物学関連書籍のご案内 2024年11月&12月号
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Author: Raj, Abhishek (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, India) / Jhariya, Manoj Kumar (Sant Gahira Guru Vishwavidyalaya, India) / Banerjee, Arnab (Sant Gahira Guru Vishwavidyalaya, India) / Jha, Ramesh Kumar (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricul
Publisher: WILEY
ISBN: 9781394231133
Date: 2024年12月


This book offers comprehensive insights into the management of agroforestry for livelihood security and sustainable development in the tropics, addressing ecological interactions, productivity, and the monetization of carbon credits, while also outlining a future roadmap and policy challenges.

Agroforestry is a brilliant land use farming practice that covers 1.6 billion hectares (78 percent in the tropics and 22 percent in the temperate regions) to enhance plant diversification, productivity, and livelihood across generations, maintaining eco-restoration. It ensures socioeconomic upliftment and a standard livelihood for people along with many ecosystem services for sustainable development under resilient climates, which are today’s key topics popularized among policy makers, stakeholders, scientists, ecologists, and climate supporters in the tropical world. However, more than 75 percent of the world’s poor directly depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. Adopting climate resilient agroforestry not only maximizes productivity and farmers’ socioeconomic status but also mitigates climate change issues through carbon sequestrations for better carbon management in the tropics.

This book addresses agroforestry management for livelihood security and sustainable development in the tropics. Readers will earn about ecological interactions and productivity in tropical agroforestry ensuring greater ecosystem services and livelihood resilience under changing climates, as well as building livelihood resilience through monetization of carbon credits in agroforestry in the tropics. Livelihood and sustainability-based policy in agroforestry, its challenges, and a future roadmap are also covered. This volume provides new insights related to updated research, development and extension activities for combating climate change through carbon sequestration to enhance intensify greater productivity, and livelihood and ecosystem services for ensuring the goals of sustainable development.

1 Agroforestry: A Sustainable Approach
Abhishek Raj, Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Arnab Banerjee, Ramesh Kumar Jha and Krishan Pal Singh

2 Outlooks on Major Agroforestry Systems
Luciana R. Chappa, Emmanuely Z. Nungula, Yamikani H. Makwinja, Shivani Ranjan, Sumit Sow, Ashwaq M. Alnemari, Sagar Maitra, Mahmoud F. Seleiman, Riziki Mwadaluand Harun I. Gitari

3 Synergies Between Tree Crops and Ecosystems in Tropical Agroforestry
D. M. N. S. Dissanayaka, S. S. Udumann and Anjana J. Atapattu

4 Agroforestry System Modeling as a Tool for Sustainability Planning: Current Trends, Limitations, and Way Forward
Upasana Mahatoand Rakesh Kadaverugu

5 Revealing the Enigmatic Riches of Bamboo Shoots: An Exemplary Source of Nourishment
Aakriti Singh Sisodiya and Soumitra Tiwari

6 Sustainable Spatial Agroforestry in the Context of Forestry Globalization: Strategic Guidelines
Yevhen Mishenin, Inessa Yarova and Inna Koblianska

7 Introduced and Indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Growth and Establishment of Eucalyptus terreticornis Seedlings in Lateritic Soil
Somdatta Ghosh and N. K. Verma

8 Ecosystem Services Through Agroforestry Systems and Its Sustainability
Emmanuely Z. Nungula, Luciana R. Chappa, Shivani Ranjan, Sumit Sow, Ashwaq M. Alnemari, Mahmoud F. Seleiman, Riziki Mwadalu, Sagar Maitra and Harun I. Gitari

9 Agroforestry for Soil Health
Nongmaithem Raju Singh, Ashish Singh, N. Peetambari Devi, Y. Bijen Kumar, Rumki H. Ch. Sangma, W. S. Philanim, M. Prabha Devi and Pempa Lamu Bhutia

10 Fostering Food and Nutritional Security Through Agroforestry Practices
T. D. Nuwarapaksha, S. S. Udumann and Anjana J. Atapattu

11 Agroforestry for Climate Security
Harun H. Gitari, Emmanuely Z. Nungula, Luciana R. Chappa, Muhammad Ali Raza, Shivani Ranjan, Sumit Sow, Ashwaq M. Alnemari, Mahmoud F. Seleiman, Riziki Mwadalu and Sagar Maitra

12 Carbon Storage and Dynamics in Different Agroforestry Systems
Iqram Ahmed Khan, Shujaul Mulk Khan, Sadia Jahangir, Shahab Ali and Gulnar Kairzhanovna Tulindinova

13 Traditional Agroecosystems of Northeast India and Their Role in Climate Change Mitigation
Subhashree Patra, Shilky, Purabi Saikia, Amit Kumar and M.L. Khan

14 Bridging Sustainability: Exploring Carbon Trading in Agroforestry for Climate Resilience and Economic Viability
Kamlesh Verma, Vaishali Sharma, Alisha Keprate, Satya Prakash Vishwakarma, D. R. Bhardwaj and Prashant Sharma

15 Economic Studies in Agroforestry for Livelihood Security
Alisha Keprate, Vaishali Sharma, Sonaly Bhatnagar, Ruchi Thakur, Ghazanfer Abbas, D. R. Bhardwaj and Prashant Sharma

16 Impact of Agroforestry Practices on Fauna in Malaysia: From Arthropod to Large Mammal
Nur Nadiah Md Yusof, Siti Khairiyah Mohd Hatta, Nurulhuda Zakaria, Nurfarah Ain Limin, Izzati Adilah Azmir, Muhammad Al Amin Amran, Mohammad Shahfiz Azman, Hamizah Md Rasid and Mohd Nazip Suratman
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