Practical Gamma-ray Spectrometry
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Author: Gilmore, Gordon (Nuclear Training Services, Warrington, UK) / Joss, David (University of Liverpool, UK) Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 9781119896081 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2024年10月 こちらの商品は学校・法人様向け(機関契約)のオンラインブック版がございます。 オンラインブックの価格、納期につきましては弊社営業員または当ECサイトよりお問い合わせください。 ![]() DESCRIPTION The cutting-edge new edition of the classic introduction to radioactive measurement Gammy-Ray Spectrometry is a key technique in the study of radioactive decay. It measures the rate and extent of radioactivity from a variety of sources, both natural and artificial, including cosmic ray sources, nuclear reactors, high-energy physics experiments, and more. The resulting data can be essential to environmental monitoring and to a range of experimental sciences. For years, Practical Gamma-Ray Spectrometry has served as the classic introduction to this area for current or aspiring practitioners. A comprehensive but accessible treatment of the subject, with a thorough discussion of all major classes of detectors and their associated electronic systems, it contains everything a researcher needs to make optimal gamma-ray measurements. Now fully updated to reflect the latest technology and experimental data, it is a must-own for researchers looking to incorporate gamma-ray spectrometry into their scientific practice. Readers of the third edition of Practical Gamma-Ray Spectrometry will also find: * Fault-finding guide for rapid and effective problem resolution *Workshop-style approach emphasizing the fundamentals of laboratory practice *New sections dealing with novel developments in nuclear structure research, measuring effects of pollution and climate change, new semiconductor detectors, and more Practical Gamma-Ray Spectrometry is ideal for PhD students and practicing gamma-ray spectroscopists, including researchers working on radiation, energy and environmental monitoring professionals, and researchers working in physics, archaeometry, and related subjects. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Radioactive Decay and the Origin of Gamma and X-Radiation 2 Interactions of Gamma Radiation with Matter 3 Semiconductor Detectors for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry 4 Electronics for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry 5 Statistics of Counting 6 Resolution: Origins and Control 7 Spectrometer Calibration 8 True Coincidence Summing 9 Computer Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra 10 Scintillation Spectrometry 11 Low Count-Rate Systems 12 High Count-Rate Systems 13 Ensuring Quality in Gamma-Ray Spectrometry 14 Gamma Spectrometry of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) 15 Applications 16 Choosing and Setting Up a Detector, and Checking Its Specifications 17 Troubleshooting Appendix A Sources of Information Appendix B Gamma- and X-Ray Standards for Detector Calibration Appendix C X-Rays Routinely Found in Gamma Spectra Appendix D Gamma-Ray Energies in the Detector Background and the Environment Appendix E Chemical Names, Symbols and Relative Atomic Masses of the Elements