Cambridge Core eBook - Neutrino Collection
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics
シリーズコレクション |
The Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics is a series of books
each of which aims to introduce the reader to an active area of mathematical research. All topics in pure mathematics are covered, and treatments are suitable for graduate students, and experts from other branches of mathematics, seeking access to research topics. |
Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics
シリーズコレクション |
The aim of this series is to provide a focus for publishing
textbooks in applied mathematics at the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate level. It is planned that the books will be devoted to covering certain mathematical techniques and theories and exploring their applications. The main audience for the series will be in departments of applied mathematics, engineering science or physics. It is important to recognize that for students, clear and careful exposition and a sound pedagogic presentation are frequently more relevant than surveying and synthesising recent developments. Authors will be encouraged to supply plenty of worked examples and exercises, of varying degrees of difficulty, for the reader. Books in the series should provide a solid understanding of how a given method can usefully be applied to help solve problems in physics and engineering. |
Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics
シリーズコレクション |
This series is devoted to thorough, yet reasonably concise treatments of topics
in any branch of mathematics. Typically, a Tract takes up a single thread in a wide subject, and follows its ramifications, thus throwing light on various of its aspects. Tracts are expected to be rigorous, definitive and of lasting value to mathematicians working in the relevant disciplines. Exercises can be included to illustrate techniques, summarize past work and enhance the book's value as a seminar text. |
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications
シリーズコレクション |
This series is devoted to significant topics or themes that have wide application
in mathematics or mathematical science and for which a detailed development of the abstract theory is less important than a thorough and concrete exploration of the implications and applications. Books in The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications cover their subject comprehensively. Less important results may be summarized as exercises at the ends of chapters. For technicalities, readers can be referred to the bibliography, which is expected to be comprehensive. As a result, volumes are encyclopedic references or manageable guides to major subjects. |
Lecture Notes in Logic /Perspectives in Logic
シリーズコレクション |
The Lecture Notes in Logic series serves researchers, teachers and students
in the field of symbolic logic, broadly interpreted. The aim of the series is to bring publications to the logic community with the least possible delay and to provide rapid dissemination of the latest research. Scientific quality is the overriding criterion by which submissions are evaluated. The Perspectives in Logic series publishes substantial and high-quality books whose central theme lies in some area or aspect of logic, particularly books that present new material not available in book form. The series ranges from introductory texts suitable for beginning graduate courses to specialized monographs at the frontiers of research. Each book offers an illuminating perspective for its intended audience. |
New Mathematical Monographs
シリーズコレクション |
The New Mathematical Monographs are dedicated to books containing an
in-depth discussion of a substantial area of mathematics. They bring the reader to the forefront of research by presenting a synthesis of the key results, while also acknowledging the wider mathematical context. As well as being detailed, they are readable and contain the motivational material necessary for those entering a field. For established researchers they are a valuable resource. Books are edited and typeset to a high standard and published in hardback. |
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