ASM Global Materials Platform PRO
Publisher: ASM International ISBN: NEUASGLMP Cover: DATABASE DESCRIPTION The world's most comprehensive digital materials solution for engineering scale data 新発売!! ASM Global Materials Platform PRO(GMP PRO)をお取り扱いしております。 直感的なインターフェースと比類のないデータ量を持つ材料データベースです。 納期、価格につきましては当ECサイトまたは弊社営業員までお問い合わせ下さい。 ASM Global Materials Platform PRO (GMP PRO) is the world’s most comprehensive digital materials solution for engineering scale data, providing a single source of truth for all of your materials data needs. With an intuitive interface and unparalleled amounts of data, this platform can help revolutionize your approach to materials procurement and selection, engineering design, materials identification and substitution, quality assurance, and compliance adherence. Create A Single Source of Truth In Materials Information ASM’s Global Materials Platform PRO provides a single source of truth for materials information so your organization can streamline engineering design and simulation, materials procurement, and quality business functions. This innovative digital resource combines the strength of the data within ASM Alloy Center Database with intuitive, more capable, ever-expanding Total Materia platform. Streamline Your Materials Processes - Materials Procurement & Selection: Streamline the process with comprehensive material data, intuitive search and visualization tools, and supplier information. - Engineering Design: Enhance processes by seamlessly integrating with simulation tools and solvers, enabling direct export of material data for accurate simulations and design optimization. - Materials Identification & Substitution: Simplify with a powerful chemical composition search tool and alternative material suggestions and comparisons. - Quality Assurance: Provide material specifications, standards, and traceability data – all with record tracking for monthly updates. - Compliance Adherence: Ensure compliance with material regulations and standards by leveraging compliance information, material regulatory updates, and risk assessment tools. Capabilities & Pricing Options Standard Capabilities 1. Total Materials: The largest materials database globally, offering 27 million property records for 625,000+ materials from 80+ countries/standards, presented in 26 languages, with details on chemical composition, mechanical properties, and more. 2. ASM Docs: Access to over 11,000 of ASM’s trusted resources and documents, including the entire collection of Alloy Digest, Heat Treater’s Guide, and more! Including additional corrosion, creep, fatigue, stress-strain, and time-temperature curves. 3. DataPlus: Enhances industrial decisions with standards, data sheets, and experimental data on joints, lubricants, tribology, dimensions, and coatings. It aids precise material choices in key applications. 4. Tracker: Provides a bulletin style monthly notification service giving information on exactly what has changed within the material. The ASM Global Materials Platform Pro undergoes continuous monthly updates. 5. Suppliers: Enables a direct link between materials and global suppliers, serving as a starting point for the purchasing process. Cross-referencing chemical composition and mechanical properties identifies alternative materials and suppliers. 6. Enviro: Access corrosion, weatherability, and aging insights for various materials, all derived from real-world tests and experiments. Gain confidence in material selection by being armed with accurate and practical data to navigate challenging environmental conditions. Optional Value-Add Capabilities 1. Extended Range: Unparalleled material properties resource for advanced structural and thermal analysis, offering stress-strain diagrams, formability curves, fatigue, fracture mechanics, and creep data. 2. SmartComp: With a patented algorithm, it streamlines research, enhancing for fast, multi-criteria material identification. Enter the chemical composition of an unknown material, receive instant results, and review materials and properties. 3. Material Console: Create, combine, and save lists of favoriate materials for projects. Access and refine material profiles, compare, and visualize aspects while staying updated with Tracker. Build and reuse customized reports on the fly. 4. Compliance: Inventory lists, hazard identification, transport info, and more for thousands of materials, covering international regulations like REACH and RoHS, along with specialized rules for food, water, and sanitation. 価格、納期につきましては弊社営業員または当ECサイトよりお問い合わせください。