ホーム 物理学関連書籍のご案内 2024年9月&10月号
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, 2 ed
出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。

An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields
Author: Maiani, Luciano (University of Rome, La Sapienza, and INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy) / Benhar, Omar (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Roma, Italy)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9781032565941
Date: 2024年10月

Written by two of the most prominent leaders in particle physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields provides a classroom-tested introduction to the formal and conceptual foundations of quantum field theory. Designed for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level physics students, the text only requires previous courses in classical mechanics, relativity, and quantum mechanics.

The introductory chapters of the book summarise the theory of special relativity and its application to the classical description of the motion of a free particle and a field. The authors then explain the quantum formulation of field theory through the simple example of a scalar field described by the Klein-Gordon equation as well as its extension to the case of spin ? particles described by the Dirac equation. They also present the elements necessary for constructing the foundational theories of the standard model of electroweak interactions, namely quantum electrodynamics and the Fermi theory of neutron beta decay. Many applications to quantum electrodynamics and weak interaction processes are thoroughly analysed. The book also explores the timely topic of neutrino oscillations.

Logically progressing from the fundamentals to recent discoveries, this textbook provides students with the essential foundation to study more advanced theoretical physics and elementary particle physics. It will help them understand the theory of electroweak interactions and gauge theories.

View the second and third books in this collection: Electroweak Interactions and An Introduction to Gauge Theories.

Key Features of the new edition:
Besides a general revision of text and formulae, three new chapters have been added.

・ Chapter 17 introduces and discusses double beta decay processes with and without neutrino emission, the latter being the only process able to determine the Dirac or Majorana nature of the neutrino (discussed in Chapter 13). A discussion of the limits to the Majorana neutrino mass obtained recently in several underground laboratories is included.

・ Chapter 18 illustrates the calculation of the mass spectrum of “quarkonia” (mesons composed by a pair of heavy, charm or beauty quarks), in analogy with the positronium spectrum discussed in Chapter 12. This calculation has put into evidence the existence of “unexpected” states and has led to the new field of “exotic hadrons”, presently under active theoretical and experimental scrutiny.

・ Chapter 19 illustrates the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, extensively used in the computation of simple molecules, and its application to the physics of exotic hadrons containing a pair of heavy quarks, with application to the recently observed doubly charmed baryons.

This eBook was published Open Access with funding support from the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3).

A PDF version of this book is available for free in Open Access at www.taylorfrancis.com. It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Chapter 1: The Symmetries of Space-Time
Chapter 2: The Classical Free Particle
Chapter 3: The Lagrangian Theory of Fields
Chapter 4: The Klein-Gordon Field Quantisation
Chapter 5: Electromagnetic Field Quantisation
Chapter 6: The Dirac Equation
Chapter 7: Quantisation of the Dirac Field
Chapter 8: Free Field Propagators
Chapter 9: Interactions
Chapter 10: Time Evolution of Quantum Systems
Chapter 11: Relativistic Perturbation Theory
Chapter 12: The Discrete Symmetries: P, C, T
Chapter 13: Weyl and Majorana Neutrinos
Chapter 14: Applications: QED
Chapter 15: Applications: Weak Interactions
Chapter 16: Neutrino Oscillations
Chapter 17: Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay
Chapter 18: A Leap Forward: Charmonium
Chapter 19: The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation for the Doubly Charmed Baryon

Appendix A: Basic Elements of Quantum Mechanics
Appendix B: The Non-relativistic Hydrogen Atom
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