Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics, 4 Revised edition
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ペドロッティの光学入門 第4版 Author: Shiell, Rayf (Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario) / McNab, Iain (McNab Group, Ontario, Canada) Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781316518625 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2024年10月 DESCRIPTION 「Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics」の第4版では新たな著者陣を迎え、光の魅力的な性質についての古典的ガイドに配慮の行き届いた改訂を加えています。物理学部と工学部における光学の学部課程に最適で、分かりやすいテキスト、シミュレーション、美しく改訂された図表を通じて光学現象が生き生きと示されます。 The fourth edition of Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics is a comprehensive revision of a classic guide to the fascinating properties of light, now with new authors. Ideally suited for undergraduate optics courses in physics and electrical/electronic engineering departments, this edition adopts a distinctive phenomenological approach, bringing the underlying science to life through interactive simulations and beautifully revised figures. The modular structure and succinct style of previous editions has been maintained, while the content has been modernized, new topics have been added, and a greater consistency of terminology attained. For even more effective learning, a recurring theme of student engagement runs throughout the text, supported by a multifaceted pedagogical package that reinforces key concepts, develops a clear understanding of optical technologies and applications, and connects to students' experiences and observations from everyday life. Phenomena-first approach invites students directly into the field of optics, and emphasizes observations and concepts over historical profiles Language, terms, and mathematical symbols are used consistently, and are appropriate for a modern audience Substantially updated figures, rendered by a subject expert, with captions that convey both the big picture and fine details TABLE OF CONTENTS Theme I. Introducing Light 1. The Optical Landscape 2. Ray Optics 3. Understanding Optical Instruments 4. Waves 5. Light Sources, Displays, and Detectors Theme II. A Scalar Field Approach to Light 6. Superposition of Waves 7. Interference of Light 8. Interferometry and Multilayer Films 9. Coherence 10. Fraunhofer Diffraction 11. Prisms, Diffraction Gratings, and Spectrometers Theme III. A Vector Field Approach to Light 12. Reflection and Transmission at Surfaces 13. Optical Fibers and Communications Technology 14. Mathematical Treatment of Polarization 15. Polarization in Practice Theme IV. Lasers and Laser Beams 16. Light-Matter Interactions 17. Lasers and Laser Operation 18. Laser Beams and Laser Cavities Theme V. Advanced Topics 19. Aberrations 20. Fourier Optics: Imaging and Spectroscopy 21. Fresnel Diffraction 22. Holography 23. Optical Properties of Materials 24. Nonlinear Optics and the Modulation of Light 25. Laser Technology and Applications 26. Optics of The Eye Appendices A. Physical constants B. Mathematical formulas C. Bibliography D. Answers to selected questions E. Integrated testlet lookup table