ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Innovations and Practices in Asia
Author: Myint Swe Khine; Yang Liu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789811697845
Date: 2022年03月

This comprehensive book presents emerging research findings and promising reform practices in the field of teacher education, curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning approaches, pedagogical innovations, and professional development in educating the next generation of globally competent students. It reflects the current trends and highlights contemporary teacher education programs in twenty greater Asian countries and regions. It offers insight into improving teacher education in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and Macau. The handbook contains chapters written by experienced international teacher educators who draw on their experience and expertise to perennial issues and formidable challenges in teacher preparation and meaningful school reforms. This volume is a valuable resource and essential companion for teacher educators, faculty members, staff developers, trainee teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, school leaders, policy-makers, and professional learning communities to refresh their knowledge and improve their understanding. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in evolving issues in teacher education.

Teacher Education at the Crossroads: Challenges and Prospects in Changing Times
Myint Swe Khine, Yang Liu

Asian Perspectives on Teacher Education
Teacher Education in a Developmental State: Singapore’s Ecosystem Model
Rita Z. Nazeer-Ikeda, S. Gopinathan
History of the Present: Practices, Development, and Challenges of Teacher Education in Macao
Sou Kuan Vong, Wai Kun Cheong
Teacher Education System in Myanmar
Yoshitaka Tanaka
Teacher Education in Bhutan: Highlights and Challenges
Sonam Rinchen, Kinley Seden
Teacher Education in Malaysia: Preparation, Practices, and Future Directions
Donnie Adams, Tan King Lok
Teacher Education: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh
Md. Mujibur Rahman
Initial Teacher Education in Singapore and South Korea
JeongA Yang, Charlene Tan
Teacher Education Curriculum in India: National Imagination and Actual Practices
Aarti Mangal
Teacher Education Research and Development in Indonesia: Preparing Educators for the Twenty-First Century
Bambang Apriady Loeneto, Zahra Alwi, Ernalida Ernalida, Eryansyah Eryansyah, Santi Oktarina
Teacher Education in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Varadune Amarathithada, Vong Deuan Osay, Richard Noonan
Teachers at the Cutting Edge of Educational Change: A Bangladesh Perspective
Manzoor Ahmed
Teacher Education Development in China: A Historical Account with Contemporary Implications
Yang Liu

Subject-Specific Teacher Education
The Trends and Highlights of Mathematics Teacher Education Research in Korea
JeongSuk Pang, JiNam Hwang
Philippine English and Teaching It: Awareness and Attitudes of Grassroots Filipino English Language Teachers
Hjalmar Punla Hernandez
Science Teacher Education in Taiwan
Hsiao-Lin Tuan, Chi-Chin Chin
Language Teacher Education in Vietnam: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Le Van Canh
Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Perceptions of a Primary Education Program and an English Language Teaching Practicum: A Macau Case Study
Barry Lee Reynolds, Chen Ding, Janis Zhiyou Li
Psychology Teacher Education in Brunei: Evolution, Development, Challenges, and Growth
Lawrence Mundia
Pre-service English Language Teacher Employability Issues: Voices from Indonesia
Ashadi Ashadi
Oral Feedback on Pre-service Teachers’ English Language Lesson Plans: A Macau Case Study
Jin-Jy Shieh, Barry Lee Reynolds, Xuan Van Ha
Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Working Environment in the Context of China’s Educational Reform
Chunlei Zhang, Enshan Liu
English Language Teacher Education in Indonesia: Providers, Policies, Innovations, and Future Directions
Subhan Zein

Redesigning Teacher Education
Teacher Education in Singapore: Changes for a New Landscape
Jason Loh
Reshaping Teacher Education for the Twenty-First Century: An Indian Perspective
Radha Mohan
Government Primary School Teachers’ Remote Teaching Experience in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities
Manjuma Akhtar Mousumi
Multiculturalism in Current and Future Mathematics Teacher Education in South Korea
Ji-Yeong I, Ji-Won Son, Hyewon Chang
Rethinking Lesson Study in Japan: A Case Study Analysis
Tetsuo Isozaki, Takako Isozaki
From Student Teachers to Hired Educators: Exploring the Attributes of Successful Teacher Certification and Placement Through Data Mining
Yi-Fen Yeh, Mei-Hui Liu, Ying-Shao Hsu, Yuen-Hsien Tseng
Changes in Teacher Education Requirements in Thailand in the Twenty-First Century
Phetcharee Rupavijetra, Ploypailin Rupavijetra
Improving Teacher Education Curriculum in Vietnam
Nam Danh Nguyen, Quang Hong Pham
The Quest for Teacher Education Quality in Indonesia: The Long and Winding Road
Pipit Novita

Teacher Education Reforms
Teacher Education Reform in Japan
Yuko Fujimura, Mistilina Sato
Implications for Teacher Education in a Time of Rapid Reform: Lessons from Myanmar
Anna Dabrowski, Pauline Taylor-Guy, Michelle Lasen
Embedding Action Research in Philippine Teacher Education
Richard Jugar, Sylvester Cortes
Pre-service Curriculum and Perception of Prospective Student Teachers Towards Inclusive Education
Pennee Kantavong Narot, Piyawan Srisuruk
Tradition, Challenges, and Innovation in Japanese Teacher Education
Takayo Ogisu, Yuto Kitamura
Teacher Education at Crossroads in India: Dire Need of a New Direction
Jyoti Raina
Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: Developments and Challenges in Brunei Darussalam
Keith Wood, Siti Norhedayah Abdul Latif, Hardimah Said
Fast Growing Analog Economy and an Urgent Need to Improve Its Teacher Education Towards Digital Transformation of the Lao PDR
Phanhpakit Onphanhdala, Vanvisa Philavong
Renovation in Curriculum Design and Training Programs for Teacher Education in Vietnam
Cuong Huu Nguyen, Hai Thi Thanh Pham, Huong Thi Pham
Special Teacher Education in China: Based on Teacher Roles Reorientation and Professional Development in China
Nan Zhu, Jiaojiao Wang, Li Shi, Zihui Li
The Precarious Politics of Teacher Education in Myanmar
Elizabeth J. T. Maber, Khin Mar Aung, Hla Win May Oo, May May Win

Teacher Professional Development
Writing for Higher Education Academy Fellowship Towards Professionalization of Teaching: Perspectives from University Teachers in Thailand
Mark B. Ulla
Teachers’ Professional Development in Bangladesh: Issues and Way Forward
Beth Cross, Sabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Mahfuzur Rahman Khan
Teacher Leadership in Teacher Development for School Improvement and Student Achievement
Ashley Yoon Mooi Ng
“Keeping the Knife Sharp”: Developing a Sustainable, Grassroots Approach to Professional Development for Cambodian Primary School Teachers
Elizabeth King
Enhancing Identity Construction Through Inquiry into Narratives
Esther Yim Mei Chan
Influence of Leadership Training on Taiwanese Elementary School English Teachers’ Instructional Leadership
Grace Chin-Wen Chien
Teacher Education in Pakistan: Structure, Problems, and Opportunities
Naima Qureshi, Qudsia Kalsoom
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