ASM Failure Analysis Database
Publisher: ASM International ISBN: NEUASFAAD Cover: ONLINE DESCRIPTION The ASM Failure Analysis Database presents over 1,200 real-world case histories as documented by experienced failure analysts. Each report describes the component, how the failure was investigated, and remedial solutions. Links are included to ASM Handbook articles that provide relevant context. About the ASM Failure Analysis Database The ASM Failure Analysis Database was developed by ASM International and the affiliated Failure Analysis Society to serve as a comprehensive resource for failure analysts, materials engineers, and product designers who need to investigate, analyze, remediate, and prevent component failures. Case Histories The database features more than 1200 case histories compiled from a wide variety of ASM International publication types, including ASM Handbook volumes, conference proceedings, technical books, journals, and magazines. The case histories compilation project involved reviewing hundreds of potential source publications to identify and select articles and chapters that address the investigation and analysis of specific component failures. The goal of compiling and organizing this content is to make it easier for technical personnel to learn from the experience of others and to find information, examples, and methods that may be relevant to their own work. Because these compiled case histories come from disparate sources published over several decades, they vary significantly in terms of the amount of detail provided, the tools and techniques utilized, and the conclusions and recommendations presented. All of the cases have been taken from credible, peer-reviewed sources, but no attempt has been made to certify that any given document reflects the current state of the art. Despite these caveats, this collection is a treasure trove of examples and insights documented by failure analysts working at the highest levels of their profession. The creation of the database is possible because of broad-based involvement by members of ASM International who participate in the contribution and review of failure analysis information. In 2016, the Failure Analysis Society (FAS) was formed as an affiliate society of ASM International. The FAS is dedicated to advancing the important role failure analysis plays in the materials industry. The affiliate society emerged from a long-standing ASM Failure Analysis Committee that organized conference programs and provided oversight to ASM content activities, including the project that resulted in the publication of this compilation. ASM Handbook, Volume 11, Failure Analysis and Prevention The ASM Failure Analysis Database also includes full access to ASM Handbook, Volume 11, Failure Analysis and Prevention: both the latest edition and the 2002 archive edition. Volume 11 describes the principles, practices, and analytical techniques of failure analysis. Most of the case histories in the database include links to Volume 11 articles in the 2002 archive edition that provide details about particular failure modes and analytical methods. Updated versions of many of those articles are available in the latest edition. ASM Handbook, Volume 11A, Analysis and Prevention of Component and Equipment Failures In addition to Volume 11, the ASM Failure Analysis Database includes full access to ASM Handbook, Volume 11A: Analysis and Prevention of Component and Equipment Failures. Volume 11A provides information and insights on the factors that determine the useful service life of engineering components and the likely timing and mode of failure. Volume 11A contains divisions devoted to engineering aspects of failure and prevention, structural life assessment methods, metal manufacturing aspects of failure, and failure analysis of metallic components. ASM Handbook, Volume 11B, Characterization and Failure Analysis of Plastics In addition to Volumes 11 and 11A, the ASM Failure Analysis Database includes full access to the new ASM Handbook, Volume 11B: Characterization and Failure Analysis of Plastics. Volume 11B serves as a reference and guide to help engineers determine the causes of failure in plastic components and make corrective adjustments through design and manufacturing modifications. Volume 11B contains seven major divisions, covering polymer science and processing, material selection and design, chemical, thermal, and physical analysis, mechanical behavior and testing, degradation mechanisms, systematic failure analysis, and life assessment and optimization. 価格、納期につきましては弊社営業員または当ECサイトよりお問い合わせください。