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Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1, 1 Ed.
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Mapping Health Promotion Research
Author: Louise Potvin; Didier Jourdan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030972141
Date: 2023年05月

While research teams are producing relevant and valid knowledge for health promotion, there is not yet a structured manual and distinct field of health promotion research. This timely 'state-of-the-art' handbook contributes to the structuring of such a field of research.

This collection of original contributions explores the major epistemological, methodological, and ethical challenges facing health promotion research. It brings together experts from different 'research traditions' that coexist in the field. The handbook covers the existing knowledge production and sharing practices to delineate the 'discipline' and its agenda for future research. Ultimately, it contributes to the creation of a global community of health promotion researchers.

The handbook is organized by four types of practices (what people actually do) studied in health promotion; the practices of:

Individuals and populations in relation to their health and its determinantsProfessionals who intervene to improve population healthPolicy-makers and institutions involved in the advocacy, design, and implementation of policies and programsResearchers and innovators (academic scholars and global agencies) through which investment in research and production of evidence-based guidelines are made. Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1: Mapping Health Promotion Research is a highly relevant reference tool for researchers and graduate students in health promotion, public health, education and socio-health sciences; practitioners in health, medical, and social sectors; policy-makers; and health research administrators.

?Chapter 1. A Global Participatory Process to Structuring the Field of Health Promotion Research: An Introduction.- Chapter 2. Mapping Health Promotion Research: Organising the Diversity of Research Practices.- Chapter 3. Design-Based Research on Active Family Involvement: Developing a family Toolbox to Support Health Care Professionals Working with Diabetes Management..- Chapter 4. Action research with people being treated for cancer or a rare disease. Health mediation central to their experiences and their inclusion.- Chapter 5. Critical health promotion and participatory research: knowledge production for and with young people experiencing homelessness in Scotland.- Chapter 6. Acting-in-Context: a methodological and theorical approach to understanding Individuals’ Actions in the Context of Poverty .- Chapter 7. Participatory health promotion research with children.- Chapter 8. School-based programs as a research platform for improving oral health and reducing malaria morbidity.- Chapter 9. Proposed title: Fostering cultural safety in healthcare through a decolonizing approach to research with, for and by Indigenous communities.- Chapter 10. Doing research with people: Hepatitis C and intensive engagement with high-risk occupational groups in Karachi, Pakistan.- Chapter 11. Respectful Maternity Care: A Methodological Journey from Research to Policy and Action.- Chapter 12. Valuing indigenous health promotion knowledge and practices: the local dialogue workshop as a method to engage and empower matrons and other traditional healers in Haiti.- Chapter 13. Aligning research practices with health promotion values: Ethical Considerations from the Community Health Worker Common Indicators Project.- Chapter 14. Investing in health promotion research among Community Health Workers in semi-rural Uganda using a partnership approach.- Chapter 15. Intersectoriality and health promotion research: the perspective of practitioners from a Brazilian experience .- Chapter 16. Capabilities and transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge: Linking the social practices of researchers, policymakers, professionals, and populations to promote active lifestyles.- Chapter 17. Conducting embedded health promotion research: Lessons learned from the Health On the Go study in Ecuador.- Chapter 18. Doing collaborative health promotion research in a complex setting. Lessons learned from the COMPLETE project in Norway .- Chapter 19. Researching the Process of Implementing Mental Health Promotion: Case studies on interventions with disadvantaged young people.- Chapter 20. Skill-based health education for health promotion among school adolescents through participatory action research: A case from Nepal .- Chapter 21. Evaluating health promotion in schools: a contextual action-oriented research approach.- Chapter 22. Developing school health promotion through research : An example of a participatory action research project .- Chapter 23. Fourth Generation Realist Evaluation: Research Practice to Empower the NGO. A Reflection on the Case of Sport for Social Change .- Chapter 24. A successful intervention research collaboration between a supermarket chain, local government, non-government organisation, and academic researchers: The Eat Well @ IGA healthy supermarket partnership.- Chapter 25. Participatory approaches to research intersectoral actions in local communities : Using theory of change, systems thinking and qualitative research to engage different stakeholders and foster transformative research processes .- Chapter 26. Research on complex health promotion interventions in local community settings.- Chapter 27. The contribution of health promotion re-search in advancing local policies: new knowledge, lexicon, and practice-research network.- Chapter 28. Implementation research on comprehensive sexuality educat
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