Quantum Hall Effect
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The First Topological Insulator Author: Basu, Saurabh (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati) Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781316511756 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2025年01月 こちらの商品は学校・法人様向け(機関契約)のオンラインブック版がございます。 オンラインブックの価格、納期につきましては弊社営業員または当ECサイトよりお問い合わせください。 ![]() DESCRIPTION This book deals with the discovery and explanation of the quantum Hall effect and its fundamental principles. It is meant for undergraduate and graduate students of physics, engineering, and applied sciences studying condensed matter physics. Doctoral students and researchers of this subject will also find it equally useful. It begins with a historical overview of this effect wherein the experiment and the physical systems are described. It progresses to cover discrete symmetries like inversion symmetry, time reversal symmetry, particle-hole symmetry, and chiral symmetry. It also examines how the Hamiltonian transforms under such symmetry operations. Two 1D models, namely the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model and a Kitaev chain with superconducting correlations, are discussed too. Then, the quantum Hall effect in graphene is explained. Further, the spin Hall effect is studied which may have prospects of using graphene as spintronic devices. The book ends with a brief review on fractional quantum Hall effect. Inclusion of topological invariant computations for lattice fermions Derivations of physical concepts for aiding self-study Discussion of experimental details for thorough understanding Schematic diagrams for ease of comprehension TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Quantum Hall Effect 2. Symmetry and Topology 3. Topology in One Dimensional (1D) and Quasi-1D Models 4. Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene 5. Graphene as a Topological Insulator - Anomalous Hall Effect 6. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect 7. Epilogue