The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで
※上記表示の販売価格は割引適用後の価格です 出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。 Author: David Boonin Publisher: Springer ISBN: 9783030877880 Cover: PAPERBACK Date: 2023年02月 DESCRIPTION The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics is a comprehensive collection of recent research on the ethics of sexual behavior, representing a wide range of perspectives. It addresses a number of traditional subjects in the area, including questions about pre-marital, extra-marital, non-heterosexual, and non-procreative sex, and about the nature and significance of sexual consent, sexual desire, and sexual activity, as well as a variety of more recent topics, including sexual racism, sexual ableism, sex robots, and the #metoo response to sexual harassment. Each chapter defends a substantive thesis about the topic it addresses and the handbook as a whole thereby provides a strong foundation for future research in this important and growing field of inquiry. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Sex, Ethics, and Philosophy.- 2. The Metaphysical Foundations of Sexual Morality.- 3. The Ethics of Sexual Pleasure.- 4. The Ethical Significance of Being an Erotic Object.- 5. Kant and Arendt on the Challenges of Good Sex and the Temptations of Bad Sex.- 6. Sexual Jealousy and Sexual Infidelity.- 7. Sexual Use, Sexual Autonomy, and Adaptive Preferences: A Social Approach to Sexual Objectification.- 8. Masturbation and the Problem of Irrational and Immoral Sexual Activity.- 9. Virgin vs. Chad: On Enforced Monogamy as a Solution to the Incel Problem.- 10. The Ethics of Cohabitation.- 11. Why Is Sexual Assault Special?: Transactional Sex and Sacred Intuitions.- 12. Deception and Sexual Harassment.- 13. Homosexuality, Bestiality, and Necrophilia.- 14. The Immorality of Premarital Sexual Abstinence.- 15. Sexual Autonomy and Sexual Consent.- 16. Enthusiastic Consent to Sex.- 17. On the Sufficiency of Sexual Consent.- 18. Bad Sex and Consent.- 19. “Respect Women”: Thinking Beyond Consent After #MeToo.- 20. Should Statutory Rape be a Crime?.- 21. Sexual Consent, Dementia, and Well-Being.- 22. Exploitation and Sexual Consent.- 23. A Solution to the Problem of Rape by Fraud.- 24. Sexual Racism.- 25. Racialized Sexual Discrimination: A Moral Right or Morally Wrong?.- 26. Sexual Ableism: Is Sex Work the Best Solution?.- 27. Sexual Exclusion.- 28. Sex and Technology: From Tinder to Robot Sex.- 29. College Party Hook Ups: Consent, Apps, and Double Standards.- 30. #MeToo and the Ethics of Doxing Sexual Transgressors.- 31. Naughty Fantasies (With a New Postscript Including Sex Robots).