ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
Handbook of Systemic Approaches to Psychotherapy Manuals, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Integrating Research, Practice, and Training
Series: European Family Therapy Association Series
Author: Mauro Mariotti; George Saba; Peter Stratton
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030736422
Date: 2023年03月

This handbook examines the development and use of manuals to guide and support systemic couples and family therapies. It addresses the process of manualizing, providing a secure base for therapist creativity rather than delineating prescriptive procedures. The volume addresses therapist and trainer concerns by demonstrating the value of sufficiently articulating clinical and teaching models to inform colleagues of what actually occurs during therapy. The book describes the history, value, and controversies of manuals. In addition, it explores issues and experiences in the creation of manuals, identifies research issues related to the use and evaluation of manuals, and addresses training as a context for the application of treatment manuals.Key areas of coverage include:Reports of experiences with major, internationally established manuals, formulations of innovative practices by their developers, and specifications of training programs.Discussion of the various formats of manuals, demonstrating their benefit and transportability across different contexts.Surveys of a broad selection of manuals, creating a flexible and diversified concept of what forms manuals may take.Essential guidance for using manuals, which is an indispensable step for the field to progress and to claim to health resource commissioning, governments and insurance agencies that the systemic practice is evidence based and effective.The Handbook of Systemic Approaches to Psychotherapy Manuals is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and related therapists and professionals in clinical psychology, family studies, public health, social work, psychotherapy, child and adolescent psychology and all interrelated disciplines.

Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Towards a Truly Systemic Account of the Present and Future of Manualisation.- Chapter 3. Another Loop of the Spiral: A Re-examination of 18 Manualized Prescriptions from 1978.- Part 1. Issues and Experiences in the Creation of Manuals.- Chapter 4. Four Advances That Can Enhance Treatment Manual Development.- Chapter 5. Six Different Approaches to Manualisation: Research Based Projects of the Leeds Family Therapy & Research Centre.- Chapter 6. Manualizing Human Systems Therapy: Towards a Few Session Therapy.- Chapter 7. Manualizing the Therapeutic Process in Systemic Therapy: From the Construction of the Hypothesis to the Assessment of Change.- Chapter 8. Family Maps and Systemic Setting of Therapeutic Work with Families.- Chapter 9. A Theoretical Model of a Systemic Therapy Clinic.- Chapter 10. Systemic Family Therapy in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care: Map of Therapeutic Competences.- Part 2. Research Issues in the Use and Evaluation of Manuals.- Chapter 11. An Integrative Approach to Systemic Therapy.- Chapter 12. The Story of the Digital, Analogic, Narrative (DAN) Model: From a Tool to Help Young Families to Raise Children to a General Model for Systemic Therapy.- Chapter 13. The Manualisation of Research at ISCRA Institute.- Chapter 14. The DAN Model in Practice: Transformations and Enhancement of Resiliency in a Nonclinical Parental Couple - A Case Report.- Chapter 15. Taking Care of Adoption (TCA): Development of a Treatment Manual for Adoptive Families.- Chapter 16. Manualized Family Therapy in a Controlled Study on Childhood Depression: Therapist and Supervisor Reflections on the Use of the Manual.- Chapter 17. International Practitioner Contributions to Manualising the SCORE for Improving and Measuring Systemic Therapy.- Chapter 18. Issues in Conducting a Rigorous Research Process for Creating a Treatment Manual.- Part 3: Manual Use in Clinical Practice.- Chapter 19. Image, Family, and Clinical Practice.- Chapter 20. The Maudsley Approach in Single and Multifamily Therapy.- Chapter 21. Manualising a Semantic Approach to Systemic Therapy with Anorexic Girls and Their Families. What Are the Advantages and Risks?.- Chapter 22. Floating Therapies and Working on the Self: A Contribution to the Milan Approach.- Chapter 23. Triangular Mirroring in Child Psychotherapy: A Procedure to Evaluate the First Session.- Chapter 24. A Model to Overcome the Couple Cross Demonization with Conflictual Divorced Couples.- Chapter 25. Basic Model of a Couple’s Crisis. A Useful Tool in Couples’ Therapy.- Chapter 26. Marte Meo and Coordination Meetings: A Systemic, School-based Intervention.- Part 4: Training as a Basis for Development of Manuals and a Context for Their Application.- Chapter 27. A Manualized Systemic Family Therapy Training Program.- Chapter 28. Manualising the Sacred: Educating Systemic Physicians to Care for Families of the Poor.- Chapter 29. Systemic Therapy Training in Practice: Changing the Trainees’ Epistemology.- Chapter 30. Trainee Focused Training: A Second Order Approach in the Making of Therapists.- Chapter 31. Family Therapy Training in the Greek Public Sector: An Experiential Learning Process Through Personal and Professional Development.- Chapter 32. From Neurons to Neighbourhoods: Developing a Treatment Plan Manual for the Enriched Systemic Psychotherapy Perspective SANE (System Attachment Narrative EncephalonR).- Chapter 33. The Exeter Couples Therapy Manual: Training for a Systemic Specialism Within Professions.- Chapter 34. Future Direction of Manualisation of Systemic Therapies.
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