ホーム 特別割引セール!日本地質学会 第131年学術大会
Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining, 1st ed. 2022
◆日本地質学会 第131年学術大会 特別割引セール開催中!:2024年10月18日(金)ご注文分まで

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Sustainability, Technology, Environmental Policy and Management
Author: Sharma, Rahul(Editor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030879815
Date: 2022年01月

This book is a sequel to 'Deep-sea mining: resource potential, technical and environmental considerations' (2017) and 'Environmental issues of deep-sea mining: impacts, consequences and policy perspectives' (2019), and aims to provide a comprehensive volume on the evolution of different aspects and perspectives of deep-sea mining from specialists around the world. The work is timely, as deep-sea minerals continue to enthuse researchers involved in activities such as ascertaining their potential as alternative sources for critical metals for green energy and other industrial applications, as well as technology development for their sustainable exploration and exploitation while addressing environmental concerns. With a steady increase in the number of contractors having exclusive rights over large tracts on the seafloor in the 'Area', i.e. regions beyond national jurisdictions, the International Seabed Authority is mandated with the responsibility of regulating such activities, and is in the process of developing a code for exploitation of deep-sea minerals. These coupled with growing interest among private entrepreneurs, investment companies and policy makers underlines the need for updated information to be made available in one place on the subject of deep-sea mining. The book evaluates the potential and sustainability of mining for deep-sea minerals compared to other land-based deposits, the technologies needed for mining, and processing of ores, approach towards environmental monitoring and management, as well as the regulatory frameworks and legal challenges to manage deep-sea mining activities. The book is expected to serve as an important reference for all stake holders including researchers, contractors, mining companies, regulators and NGOs involved in deep-sea mining.

Table of contents
Evaluation of Deep-Sea Mineral Resources and Their Potential
Deep-Sea Mining: Historical Perspectives
Approach Towards Deep-Sea Mining: Current Status and Future Prospects
Estimates of Metals Contained in Abyssal Manganese Nodules and Ferromanganese Crusts in the Global Ocean Based on Regional Variations and Genetic Types of Nodules
Geological Characterization of Ferromanganese Crust Deposits in the NW Pacific Seamounts for Prudent Deep-Sea Mining
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Microanalysis of Platinum in Hydrogenetic Ferromanganese Crusts

Technology Development for Deep-Sea Mining and Mineral Processing
A Precautionary Approach to Developing Nodule Collector Technology
Mining and Processing of Seafloor Massive Sulfides: Experiences and Challenges
Comparative Advantages of the Mineral Processing of Deep-Sea Polymetallic Nodules over Terrestrial Ores
Exploring the Use of Renewable Resources for Processing of Deep-Sea Minerals
Reductive Ammonia Leaching Process for Metal Recovery from Polymetallic Nodules: Can There be a Zero Waste Approach?

Ecosystem Studies, Environmental Monitoring and Management
Natural Variability Versus Anthropogenic Impacts on Deep-Sea Ecosystems of Importance for Deep-Sea Mining
Comprehensive Understanding of Seafloor Disturbance and Environmental Impact Scenarios
Adaptive Management as a Tool for Effective Environmental Management of Deep-Sea Mining
Integrated Environmental Management of the Ecological Impacts from Seafloor Massive Sulphide Mining: Perspectives from the Kermadec Volcanic Arc, New Zealand

Techno-Economic Models, Risk Assessment and Payment Regimes
Analysis of Different Models for Improving the Feasibility of Deep-Sea Mining
Conceptual 3D Modeling and Direct Block Scheduling of a Massive Seafloor Sulfide Occurrence
Risk Assessment for Deep-Seabed Mining
An Evaluation of the Payment Regime for Deep Seabed Polymetallic Nodule Mining in the Area
Sharing Financial Benefits from Deep Seabed Mining: The Case for a Seabed Sustainability Fund

Legal and Socio-Cultural Frameworks
Achieving Effective Seabed Mining Regulation and Management: A Missing Link
Operational Aspects of Implementing Regulatory Frameworks to Manage Deep-Sea Mining Activities
Traditional and Socio-Ecological Dimensions of Seabed Resource Management and Applicable Legal Frameworks in the Pacific Island States
Safeguarding the Interests of Developing States Within the Context of Deep-Sea Mining in the Area

Chapter1. Deep-sea mining - historical perspectives.- Chapter2. Approach towards deep-sea mining - current status and future requirements.- Chapter3. Estimates of metals contained in abyssal manganese nodules and ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean.- Chapter4. Geological Characterization of Ferromanganese Crust Deposits in the NW Pacific Seamounts for Prudent Deep-sea Mining.- Chapter5. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Microanalysis of Platinum in Hydrogenetic Ferromanganese Crusts.- Chapter6. A precautionary approach to developing nodule collector technology.- Chapter7. Mining and Processing of Seafloor Massive Sulfides:Experiences and Challenges.- Chapter 8. Comparative advantages of the mineral processing of deep sea polymetallic nodules over terrestrial ores.- Chapter9. Exploring the use of renewable resources for processing of deep-sea minerals.- Chapter10. Reductive Ammonia Leaching Process for Metal Recovery from Manganese Nodules: Can there bea Zero Waste Approach?.- Chapter11. Natural variability versus anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea ecosystems of importance for deep-sea mining.- Chapter12. Comprehensive understanding of seafloor disturbance and environmental impact scenarios.- Chapter13. Adaptive Management as a tool for effective environmental management of deep-sea mining.- Chapter14. Integrated environmental management of the ecological impacts from seafloor massive sulfide mining - perspectives from the Kermadec Volcanic Arc, New Zealand.- Chapter15. Analysis of different models for improving the feasibility of deep-sea mining.- Chapter16. Conceptual 3D modelling and direct block scheduling of a massive seafloor sulfide occurrence.- Chapter17. Risk assessment in deep-seabed mining.- Chapter18. An evaluation of the payment regime for deep seabed polymetallic nodule mining in the Area.- Chapter19. Sharing Financial Benefits from Deep Seabed Mining: the case fora Seabed Sustainability Fund.- Chapter20. Achieving Effective Seabed Mining Regulation and Management: A Missing Link.- Chapter21. Operational aspects of implementing regulatory frameworks to manage deep-sea mining activities.- Chapter22. Traditional and socio-ecological dimensions of seabed resource management and applicable legal frameworks in the Pacific Island States- Chapter23. Safeguarding the interests of developing states within the context of deep-sea mining in the Area.
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