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The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing, 1st ed. 2023
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783031149603
Date: 2023年01月

Interactive marketing, as one of the fastest growing academic fields in contemporary business world, is the multi-directional value creation and mutual-influence marketing process through active customer connection, engagement, participation and interaction. Contemporary interactive marketing has moved beyond the scope of direct marketing or digital marketing, as the market is becoming a forum for conversations and interactions among connected actors or participants in platform ecosystems. The advancement of mobile technology with interactive content and personalized experience makes interactive marketing the new normal in the business world. This handbook contains the most comprehensive and cutting-edge knowledge in the interactive marketing field. The 41 chapters that are divided into eight sections cover all aspects of contemporary interactive marketing realm, including social media and influencer marketing, big data and machine learning in predictive analytics, mobile marketing and proximity marketing, interactive digital marketing and Omnichannel marketing, AI, VR and AR in business applications. With a focal point on interactive marketing, this handbook takes a multidiscipline perspective, from new technology innovations, social media and platform application, economic and cultural impacts, social and psychological analysis, and management and information system. This book provides a timely and comprehensive textbook companion and/or course project resource for college educators and students used for variety of graduate and undergraduate marketing courses, such as Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, New Media Communication, Marketing Analytics and Marketing Management, etc. It offers valuable references for academic researchers who are interesting conducting and publishing in interactive marketing research. The state-of-art review and emerging new trends presented in the book are particularly useful for research idea generation and conceptual development. The book also putts forward insightful guidelines and practical tools for business management in the application of new interactive marketing strategies and applications in the real world practices.

Part 1: Advancement of Interactive Marketing: An Overview.- Chapter 1: Evolution of Research in Interactive Marketing: A Bibliometric and Thematic Review.- Chapter 2: From Direct Marketing Towards Interactive Marketing: The Evolving Interactive Marketing Tools.- Chapter 3: Bridging the Theory and Practice of Digital Marketing from Interactive Marketing Perspective: A Historical Review.- Chapter 4: Interactive Digital Marketing Mechanisms: The Significance in Digital Transformation.- Chapter 5: Empowering Consumers in Interactive Marketing: Examining the Role of Perceived Control.- Chapter 6: How Brands Drive Electronic Word-of-Mouth in an Interactive Marketing Environment: An Overview and Future Research Direction.- Part 2: Technology Development and Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 7: Technological Innovations in Interactive Marketing: Enhancing Customer Experience at the New Retail Age.- Chapter 8: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Marketing: Improving Customer-brand Relationship.- Chapter 9: How Internet of Things Is Shaping Consumer Behavior? The Interactive Experience between Customer and Smart Object.- Chapter 10: The Physical Presence and Relationship Distance for Efficient Consumer-AI-business Interactions and Marketing.- Chapter 11: Humanizing Chatbots for Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 12: Affective Interaction with Technology: The Role of Virtual Assistants in Interactive Marketing.- Part 3: Interactivity in the Virtual World.- Chapter 13: Augmented Reality in Interactive Marketing: The State-of-the-Art and Emerging Trends.- Chapter 14: Interactive Marketing with Virtual Commerce Tools: Purchasing Right Size and Fitted Garment in Fashion Metaverse.- Chapter 15: Virtual Influencer As a Brand Avatar in Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 16: Sentimental Interaction with Virtual Celebrities: An Assessment from Customer-Generated Content.- Chapter 17: The Conceptualization of “Presence” in Interactive Marketing: A Systematic Review of 30 Years of Literature.- Part 4: Platform Revolution and Customer Participation.- Chapter 18: The Platform Revolution in Interactive Marketing: Increasing Customer-Brand Engagement on Social Media Platforms.- Chapter 19: When in Rome, Do as the Romans do: Differences of Interactive Behaviors Across Social Media Networks.- Chapter 20: Enhancing Customer-Brand Interaction: Customer Engagement on Brand Pages of Social Networking Sites.- Chapter 21: Livestreaming as An Interactive Marketing Media: Examining Douyin and Its Constructed Value and Cultural Preference of Consumption In E-commerce.- Chapter 22: Interactive Experience of Collaborative Online Shopping: Real-time Interaction and Communication.- Part 5: E-WOM and Influencer Marketing in the Interactive Era.- Chapter 23: Reconceptualizing eWOM Communication: An Interactive Perspective.- Chapter 24: Complaint Handling and Channel Selection In the Interactive Marketing Era.- Chapter 25: What Do We Know About Influencers on Social Media? Toward a New Conceptualization and Classification of Influencer.- Chapter 26: Influencer Marketing: A Triadically Interactive Relationship Between Influencers, Followers, and Brands.- Chapter 27: Optimizing the Effect of Influencer Marketing: Exploring Consumers’ Interaction with Different Influencer Types on Instagram.- Part 6: Predictive Analytics and Personalized Targeting.- Chapter 28: Applying Predictive Analytics in Interactive Marketing: How It Influences Customer Perception and Reaction?.- Chapter 29: AI-Based Recommendation System: The Ultimate Solution For Market Prediction and Targeting.- Chapter 30: Deep Learning Applications for Interactive Marketing In the Contemporary Digital Age.- Chapter 31: Personalized Recommendation During Interactive Shopping Journey.- Chapter 32: Location-Based Proximity Marketing: An Interactive Marketing Perspective.- Part 7: Practical Implications of Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 33: Customer Interactive Experience in Luxury Retailing: The Application of AI-Enabled Chatbots in the Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 34 Engaging and Entertaining Customers: Gamification in Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 35: Interactive Experience of Physical Servicescape and Online Servicescape: A Review and Future Research.- Chapter 36: The Role of Touch, Touchscreens, and Haptic Technology in Interactive Marketing: Evolution From Physical Touch to Digital Touch.- Chapter 37: It’s Fun to Play: Emoji Usage in Interactive Marketing Communication.- Part 8: A Necessary Evil? Unintended Consequences of Interactive marketing.- Chapter 38: Consumer Incivility In Virtual Spaces: Implications for Interactive Marketing Research and Practice.- Chapter 39: The Dark Side of Gamification in Interactive Marketing.- Chapter 40: Ethical Considerations in Gamified Interactive Marketing Praxis.- Chapter 41: Value Co-creation or Value Co-destruction? The Role of Negative Emotions in Consumer-Firm Interaction In the Social Media Platform.
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