ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
The Palgrave Handbook of Education Law for Schools
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1st ed. 2018
Author: Trimmer, Karen / Dixon, Roselyn / S. Findlay, Yvonne(Editor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783319777504
Date: 2018年07月

This Handbook examines the essential nature of the law within an educational context and asks why there is not greater preparation for this aspect of a teacher’s role. Principals and teachers across the world now work in increasingly uncertain and challenging environments involving complex legislative frameworks, with their roles and responsibilities constantly changing to meet these demands: thus, it is imperative that educators adapt and acquire new skills relating to child protection and criminal law. On a daily basis, teachers and practitioners are being challenged to critically examine and evaluate the legal rights and obligations of various stakeholders, including students, parents, educators and administrators.

However, if these skills are not developed, the implications will be significant: particularly so if principals are deterred from pursuing innovative education strategies due to potential litigation risks. Consequently, the chapters will empower principals and teachers in the management of these concerns. This wide-ranging handbook, including case studies from around the world, will be of interest and value to both scholars of education law and practitioners.

The Need for Legal Literacy by School Principals and Educational Leaders
The Need for an Understanding of Education Law Principles by School Principals
Mark Butlin, Karen Trimmer
Education Law, Schools and School Principals: What Does the Research Tell Us?
Allison Trimble, Neil Cranston
Educational Negligence: Is It a Viable Form of Action?
Mui Kim Teh, Charles J. Russo
Risk and Responsibility: Liability of School Authorities for Harm to Pupils
Sally Varnham
Child Protection for Educators and Principals: A Moral and Legal Obligation
India Bryce
Education, Ethics, and the Law: Examining the Legal Consequences of Unethical Judgment
Patrick M. Jenlink, Karen Embry Jenlink
Education Administrators in Wonderland: Figuring Out Policy-Making and Regulatory Compliance When Making Decisions
Fernando F. Padro, Jonathan H. Green
TQM’s Impact on the Legal Apparatus: Informing and Directing Compliance Practices
Fernando F. Padro, Jonathan H. Green
Articulating the Idea of the Professional Teacher: Beyond Technocratic Compliance
Francine Rochford
Meeting the Challenges Facing Religious Schools: An Australian Perspective
Jacquie Seemann
Translating Theory to Practice for Principals Working Within Inclusive Education Policy
Amanda A. Webster

Inclusive Schooling and the Impacts of Disability Discrimination Legislation
Towards Inclusive Schools: The Impact of the DDA and DSE on Inclusion Participation and Exclusion in Australia
Roselyn Dixon
Education of Students with Disabilities as a Result of Equal Opportunity Legislation
Jose Luis Alvarado, Cathi Draper Rodriguez
Reasonable Adjustment in Assessment: The Australian Experience
Elizabeth Dickson, Joy Cumming
Student Voice and Educational Adjustments
Shiralee Poed
The Inclusion and Exclusion of Students with Disability Related Problem Behaviour in Mainstream Australian Schools
Elizabeth Dickson
Youth Transitioning from Juvenile Justice Settings Back into School: Leadership Perspectives
Therese M. Cumming, Sue O’Neill, Iva Strnadova
Legal and Ethical Considerations Regarding the Integration of Assistive and Educational Technology for Students with Disabilities: Perspectives from the United States of America
Joseph John Morgan, Kristopher H. Yeager, Sarah J. Murphy, Tracy Griffin Spies
A Long Journey: Disability and Inclusive Education in International Law
Ilektra Spandagou
Changing Nappies: A Duty for Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms?
Franziska Felder

International Context and Rights of the Child
The Rights of the Child: Are We Creating a World in Which All Children Are Enabled to Reach Their Full Potential?
Yvonne S. Findlay
Considering the Relationship Between the Education of Children and the Application of the Law: A Brief Global View
Patrick Meehan
Issues and Impact of the Named Person Legislation in Scotland
Rachel Shanks, Scott Peter
Difficulties of Comprehension in the Citizenship Education in Europe
Eszter Anna Nyul
Training Teachers to Prevent Violence Against Children: The First Line Against Family Violence
Elisabetta Biffi
Restrictive Practice in Education Settings: Institutional Violence, Disability and Law
Linda Steele
Counter Terrorism Law and Education: Student Teachers’ Induction into UK Prevent Duty Through the Lens of Bauman’s Liquid Modernity
Lynn Revell, Hazel Bryan, Sally Elton-Chalcraft
PCompulsory Schooling and Cognitive Imperialism: A Case for Cognitive Justice and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
Marie Battiste, James [Sa’ke’j] Youngblood Henderson
Correction to: The Palgrave Handbook of Education Law for Schools
Karen Trimmer, Roselyn Dixon, Yvonne S. Findlay
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