ホーム Ternary Alloys: A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams
Volume 19 “Selected Systems for Nuclear Applications” (2019)
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Series: Ternary Alloys: A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams
Author: Editors: Gunter Effenberg, Svitlana Iljenko, Authors: MSITR.
Publisher: MSI Publishing
ISBN: 9783932120121
Date: 2019年12月

Volume 19 contains critically evaluated phase diagram data for a total of 56 ternary systems related to the materials for nuclear applications. The selection of ternary systems covers
(a) materials with specific nuclear properties used, for example, in nuclear fuels (Uranium- or Pluthonium-based systems) or
(b) standard engineering materials which find applications also in nuclear engineering, like for example, Aluminium-, Zirconium-, Molybdenum-alloys, etc.

Volume 19, as all volumes within the "Ternary Alloys" series provides reliable and comprehensive descriptions of the materials constitution, based on the critical and intellectual evaluations of all relevant data available at the time. Data from different sources are carefully compared and assessed, and their compatibility with the accepted edge binary system is checked in order to produce a single set of information that is internally consistent and represents the state of knowledge of that ternary system.

The following information is provided: liquidus projections, isothermal and vertical sections, quasibinary sections, reaction schemes, invariant equilibria, crystallographic data, thermodynamic data and materials properties, accompanied by short descriptive texts and extensive references. The system reports are arranged in the alphabetical order and have a standard format, allowing easy access to the required data.

The following information is provided: liquidus projections, isothermal and vertical sections, quasibinary sections, reaction schemes, invariant equilibria, crystallographic data, thermodynamic data and materials properties, accompanied by short descriptive texts and extensive references. The system reports are arranged in the alphabetical order and have a standard format, allowing easy access to the required data.

The preparation of this volume has started together with Gunter Effenberg, who unfortunately passed away on 31.08.2019. The MSI staff and the MSITR authors have completed the volume without him and dedicated it to his memory, to honor his life’s work, his passion for phase diagrams and for books - the roots of his life-long activity.

Starting with the Volume 19, MSI is changing slightly the concept of the handbook series “Ternary Alloys. A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams”. Instead of exploring alphabetically all ternary systems based on one chemical element, like Al-X-Y or Mg-X-Y, the future volumes will be dedicated to particular classes of materials or particular application areas, like volume 19 - “Selected Systems for Nuclear Applications”. Selected are ternary systems of importance to industrial alloy development and systems which gained scientific interest in the recent years.

Reliable phase diagrams provide scientists and engineers with basic information of eminent importance for fundamental research and for the development and optimization of materials. So collections of such diagrams are extremely useful, if the data on which they are based have been subjected to critical evaluation, like in these volumes. Critical evaluation means: there where contradictory information is published data and conclusions are being analyzed, broken down to the firm facts and re-interpreted in the light of all present knowledge.

The evaluations are performed by MSITR, Materials Science International Team, a group of scientists working together since 1984, being responsible for the publication of more than 60 books on phase diagrams and work related to the study of phase equilibria. Within this team skilled expertise is available for a broad range of methods, materials and applications. This joint competence is employed in the critical evaluation of the often conflicting literature data.
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