ホーム 特別割引セール!日本地質学会 第131年学術大会
Tsunamiites, 2 ed
◆日本地質学会 第131年学術大会 特別割引セール開催中!:2024年10月18日(金)ご注文分まで

出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。

Features and Implications
Author: Shiki, Tsunemasa (Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University, Japan) / Tsuji, Yoshinobu (Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan) / Yamazaki, Teiji (Emeritus Professor, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan) / Nanayama, Futoshi (Paleogeodynamics Research Group, Institut
Publisher: Elsevier USA
ISBN: 9780128239391
Date: 2020年12月

Tsunamiites: Features and Implications, Second Edition, is an overview of the state-of-the art developments in sedimentology of tsunami-induced and tsunami-affected deposits, namely tsunamiites. It also highlights new problems and issues calling for additional investigation and provides insight into the direction for future tsunamiite research.

New to this edition: discussion of the impact of 2011 tsunami in Northern Japan as well as additional coverage of offshore tractive current deposition and deposition of boulders.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: why a book tsunamiites
T. Shiki, K.Minoura, Y. Tsuji, and T. Yamazaki
2. The Term “Tsunamiites”
T. Shiki and T. Yamazaki
3. Tsunamis and Tsunami Sedimentology
D. Sugawara, K. Minoura, and F. Imamura
4. Bedforms and Sedimentary Structures Characterizing Tsunami Deposits
O. Fujiwara
5. Tsunami depositional Processes Reflecting the waveform in a Small Bay: Interpretation from the Grain-size Distribution and Sedimentary Structure
O. Fujiwara and T. Kamataki
6. Deposits of the 1992 Nicaragua Tsunami
B. Higman and J. Bourgeois
7. Sedimentary Characteristics and depositional Processes of Onshore Tsunami Deposits: An Example of Sedimentation Associated with the 12 July 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki Earthquake Tsunami
F. Nanayama
8. Distribution and Significance of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Deposits: Initial Results from Thailand and Sri Lanka
K. Goto, F. Imamura, N. keethi, P. kunthasap, T. Matsui, K. Minoura, A.Ruangrassame, D. Sugawara, and s. supharatid
9. Thickness and Grain-Size Distribution of Indian Ocean Tsunami Deposits at Khao Lak and Phra Thong Island, South-western Thailand
10. Lessons from the 2011 Tohoku-oki Tunamoi: Implication for Paleo-Tsunami Research
D. Sugawara
11. An Overview on Offshore Tsunami Deposits
P. J.M. Costa, L. Feist, .A. G. Dawson, I. Stewart, K. Reicherter and C. Andrade
12. Combined Investigation of Traditions and Archived Documents and Relics of Earthquakes and Tsunami Hazards - With Reference to the 1700 Cascadia Earthquake Tsunami and Other Examples Recoded in Documents
13. Deep-Sea Homogenites: Sedimentary Expression of a Prehistoric Megatsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean
M. A. Cita
14. Tsunami-Related Sedimentary Properties of Mediterranean Homogenites as an Example of Deep-Sea Tsunamiites
T. Shiki and.M. A.Cita
Additional comment
T. Shiki
15. Volcanic-Induced Tsunami and Tsunamites
Y. Nishimura
16. Tsunamiites - Conceptual Descriptions and a Possible Case at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Pernambuce Basin,Nortjheastrn Brazil
G. Albertao, P.P. Martins Jr. and E. Marini
17. Deep-Sea Tsunami deposits in the Proto-Caribbean Sea at the Cretaceous / Tertiary Boundary
K. Goto, R. Tada, E. Tajika, and T. Matsui
18. The Genesis of Ocean Impact Craters and Impact Generated Tsunami Deposit
K. Goto
19. Tsunami Boulder Deposits - A Strongly Debated Topic in Palao-tsunami Research
A. Scheffers
20. Characteristic Features of Tsunamiites
T. Shiki, T. Tachibana, O. Fujiwara, K. Goto, F. Nanayama, and T. Yamazaki
21. Sedimentology of Tsunamiits Reflecting Chaotic Events in the Geological Record-Significance and Problems
T. Shiki and Tachibana
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