Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 3 ed
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第四紀学百科事典 第3版 Author: Scott A. Elias Publisher: Elsevier USA ISBN: 9780323999311 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2024年10月 DESCRIPTION 今後数十年間に予測される変化を理解するために、人類、生態系、環境、気候変動の歴史について学際的な専門知識をまとめたものです。 前版の出版以来、私たちの認識は、新たな発見や新技術によって様々なトピックが大きく変化しました。例えば、古代 DNA 研究の発展は、私たちの祖先の起源、拡散、人口動態に関する知見を大きく変えました。古代の人骨から得られる新しい古代 DNA 分析結果が出るたびに、そのストーリーはより複雑になっています。 第四紀は、大規模な環境変化に対する生物の反応など、現代世界の形成を研究する上で他に類を見ない実験室のような存在です。この分野における最先端の研究について、最も包括的に記述したレファレンスです。 Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Third Edition, Five Volume Set, brings together the multidisciplinary expertise needed to understand the history of humans, life, environmental and climate change, and understand what we may expect over the coming decades. Quaternary Science comprises studies of the physical and biological world during the time of continental glaciations in the last 2.6 million years. This interval is critical to our understanding of the modern world, as the current flora, fauna, and physical environment have been shaped by events in the Quaternary. The Quaternary is the only geological period with one foot in the past and one foot in the present. Since publication of the previous edition, our understanding of many topics has been revolutionized by new discoveries and new techniques. The development of ancient DNA studies, for example, has revolutionized our thinking about the origins, dispersal, and population dynamics of our ancestors. Every new aDNA analysis from ancient human remains causes the story to become more complex. We are the sole survivors of the genus Homo, yet we harbor genetic fragments from other closely related but long-extinct lineages. The Quaternary is uniquely situated as a laboratory in which to study the shaping of the modern world, including biotic responses to large-scale environmental change. This new edition of Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science is the most comprehensive account of state-of-the-art research in the field. TABLE OF CONTENTS Historical Overview Quaternary Climate Change Dating Quaternary Events Trapped Electron Dating Methods Paleomagnetic dating Chemical Dating Methods Biological Dating Methods Sediment Dating Methods Glacial Landforms History of Quaternary Glaciations Paleosols and Wind-Blown Sediments Lake Level Studies Quaternary Paleobotany (Palynology) Plant Macrofossils Diatoms Quaternary Vertebrate Records Insect fossils Paleoceanography Ice Core Records Humans in the Quaternary Proglacial Lakes and Megafloods Use of Quaternary Proxies in Forensic Science Tree-ring Studies