NMR Spectroscopy
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The method is very sensitive to the features of molecular structure because also the neighboring atoms influence the signals from individual nuclei and this is important for determining the 3D-structure of molecules. This new edition of the popular classic has a clear style and a highly practical, mostly non-mathematical approach. Many examples are taken from organic and organometallic chemistry, making this book an invaluable guide to undergraduate and graduate students of organic chemistry, biochemistry, spectroscopy or physical chemistry, and to researchers using this well-established and extremely important technique. Problems and solutions are included. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: Basic Principles and Applications THE PHYSICAL BASIS OF THE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE EXPERIMENT The Quantum Mechanical Model for the Isolated Proton Classical Description of the NMR Experiment Experimental Verification of Quantized Angular Momentum and of the Resonance Equation The NMR Experiment on Compact Matter and the Principle of the NMR Spectrometer Magnetic Properties of Nuclei beyond the Proton THE PROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTRA OF ORGANIC MOLECULES - CHEMICAL SHIFT AND SPIN - SPIN COUPLING The Chemical Shift Spin - Spin Coupling GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Sample Preparation and Sample Tubes Internal and External Standards; Solvent Effects Tuning the Spectrometer Increasing the Sensitivity Measurement of Spectra at Different Temperatures PROTON CHEMICAL SHIFTS AND SPIN - SPIN COUPLING CONSTANTS AS FUNCTIONS OF STRUCTURE Origin of Proton Chemical Shifts Proton - Proton Spin - Spin Coupling and Chemical Structure THE ANALYSIS OF HIGH-RESOLUTION NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTRA Notation for Spin Systems Quantum Mechanical Formalism The Hamilton Operator for High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Calculation of Individual Spin Systems THE INFLUENCE OF MOLECULAR SYMMETRY AND CHIRALITY ON PROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTRA Spectral Types and Structural Isomerism Influence of Chirality on the NMR Spectrum Analysis of Degenerate Spin Systems by Means of 13C Satellites and H/D Substitution PART II: Advanced Methods and Applications THE PHYSICAL BASIS OF THE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE EXPERIMENT. The NMR Signal by Pulse Excitation Relaxation Effects Pulse Fourier-Transform (FT) NMR Spectroscopy Experimental Aspects of Pulse Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy Double Resonance Experiments TWO-DIMENSIONAL NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Principles of Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy The Spin Echo Experiment in Modern NMR Spectroscopy Homonuclear Two-Dimensional Spin Echo Spectroscopy: Separation of the Parameters J and d for Proton NMR Spectra The COSY Experiment - Two-Dimensional 1H,1H Shift Correlations The Product Operator Formalism Phase Cycles Gradient Enhanced Spectroscopy Universal Building Blocks for Pulse Sequences Homonuclear Shift Correlation by Double Quantum Selection of AX Systems - the 2D-INADEQUATE Experiment Single-Scan 2D NMR MORE 1D AND 2D NMR EXPERIMENTS: THE NUCLEAR OVERHAUSER EFFECT - POLARIZATION TRANSFER - SPIN LOCK EXPERIMENTS - 3D NMR The Overhauser Effect Polarization Transfer Experiments Rotating Frame Experiments Multidimensional NMR Experiments CARBON-13 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Historical Development and the Most Important Areas of Application Experimental Aspects of Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts Carbon-13 Spin - Spin Coupling Constants Carbon-13 Spin - Lattice Relaxation Rates SELECTED HETERONUCLEI Semimetals and Non-metals with the Exception of Hydrogen and Carbon Main Group Metals Transition Metals INFLUENCE OF DYNAMIC EFFECTS ON NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTRA Exchange of Protons between Positions with Different Larmor Frequencies Internal Dynamics of Organic Molecules Intermolecular Exchange Processes Line Broadening by Fast Relaxing Neighboring Nuclei NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF PARTIALLY ORIENTED MOLECULES AND SOLID STATE NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Partially Oriented Molecules High-Resolution Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy SELECTED TOPICS OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Isotope Effects in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Materials Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (CIDNP) Diffusion-Controlled Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - DOSY Unconventional Methods for Sensitivity Enhancement - Hyperpolarization Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine