Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory
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Contemporary Global Perspectives, 1st ed. 2016
Series: Peace Psychology Book Series
Author: McKeown, Shelley / Haji, Reeshma / Ferguson, Neil(Editor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783319298672
Date: 2016年06月

This volume brings together perspectives on social identity
and peace psychology to explore the role that categorization plays in both conflict
and peace-building. To do so, it draws leading scholars from across the world
in a comprehensive exploration of social identity theory and its application to
some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as intrastate conflict,
uprising in the middle east, the refugee crisis, global warming, racism and peace building. A crucial theme of the
volume is that social identity theory affects all of us, no matter whether we
are currently in a state of conflict or one further along in the peace process.

The volume is organized into two sections. Section 1 focuses
on the development of social identity theory. Grounded in the pioneering work
of Dr. Henri Tajfel, section 1 provides the reader with a historical background
of the theory, as well as its current developments. Then, section 2 brings
together a series of country case studies focusing on issues of identity across
five continents. This section enables
cross-cultural comparisons in terms of methodology and findings, and encourages
the reader to identify general applications of identity to the understanding of
peace as well as applications that may be more relevant in specific contexts.
Taken together, these two sections provide a contemporary and diverse account
of the state of social identity research in conflict situations and peace
psychology today.

It is evident that
any account of peace requires an intricate understanding of identity both as a
cause and consequence of conflict, as well as a potential resource to be
harnessed in the promotion and maintenance of peace. Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory: Contemporary
Global Perspectives aims to help
achieve such an understanding and as such is a valuable resource to those
studying peace and conflict, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists,
public policy makers, and all those interested in the ways in which social
identity impacts our world.

Social identity and peace psychology: An Introduction Reeshma Haji, Shelley McKeown Jones and Neil Ferguson.- Section 1 Theoretical and Contemporary Issues.- Part I: History and development of social identity theory.- 1. Social identity theory Michael A. Hogg.- 2. Towards a Clearer Understanding of Social Identity Theory’s Self-Esteem Hypothesis Sarah E. Martiny and Mark Rubin.- 3. Between the lines of us and them: Identity threat, anxious uncertainty, and reactive ingroup affirmation - how can antisocial outcomes be prevented? Adrian Luders, Eva Jonas, Immo Fritsche and Dimitrij Agroskin.- Part II: Social identity as a source of conflict and peace.- 4. Identity and Acculturation Processes in Multicultural Societies Sofia Stathi and Claudia Roscini.- 5. Tyranny and leadership Stephen Reicher, S. Alexander Haslam, Michael Platow and Nik Steffens.- 6. Crowd behaviour and collective action Stephen T. La Macchia and Winnifred R. Louis.- 7. The Role of Social Identity in the Recruitment and Reintegration of Child Soldiers Michael G. Wessells.- Part IV: Contemporary issues.- 8. Symbolic reminders of identity Rebekah A. Phillips DeZalia and Scott L. Moeschberger.- 9. Identity and psychological health Orla T. Muldoon, Robert D. Lowe and Katharina Schmid.- 10. Global Climate Change: A Social Identity Perspective on Informational and Structural Interventions Mark A. Ferguson, Rachel I. McDonald and Nyla R. Branscombe.- Section 2 Worldwide Perspectives.- Part I: Africa.- 11. Social Identity Theory as a Theory of Change: The Case of South Africa Ines Meyer, Kevin Durrheim and Don Foster.- 12. Social Identity and Conflict in Northern Uganda Grace Lapwoch and Kennedy Amone- P’Olak.- 13. Representations of Social Identities in Rwanda Sigrun Marie Moss.- Part II: Europe.- 14. Social Identity Theory and Intergroup Conflict in Northern Ireland Neil Ferguson and Shelley McKeown Jones.- 15. Social Identity in a divided Cyprus Charis Psaltis and Huseyin Cakal.- 16. Building national identity in newborn Kosovo: Challenges of Integrating National Identity with Ethnic Identity among Kosovar Albanians and Kosovar Serbs Edona Maloku, Belle Derks, Colette van Laar and Naomi Ellemers.- Part III: North and South America.- 17. Canada, a fertile ground for intergroup relations and social identity theory Richard N. Lalonde, Jorida Cila and Maya Yampolsky.- 18. Social identities and conflict in Chile: the role of historical and political processes Roberto Gonzalez, Monica M. Gerber and Hector Carvacho.- 19. Identity, contact, and health among majority and minority ethnic groups in Mexico and Chile Anja Eller, Huseyin Cakal and David Sirlopu.- Part IV: Asia and Australasia.- 20. Social Identity and Peace in the Modern Middle East: Insights from the United Arab Emirates Angela T. Maitner and Robert Stewart-Ingersoll.- 21. Collective and social identities in Philippine peacebuilding: Does a superordinate Bangsamoro social identity mediate the effects of collective ethnic identity? Cristina Jayme Montiel, Ma. Elizabeth J. Macapagal and Jose Jowel Canuday.- 22. “Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi”: Situating and Understanding Social Identities in Australia. Siew Fang Law and Cynthia Macke
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