Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics, 4 ed
こちらのタイトルの電子書籍版(Wiley Digital Textbooks)はコレクションセール対象商品です。 お見積り致しますので、ぜひお問い合わせください。 出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。 Author: Cornish-Bowden, Athel (CNRS,Marseilles Cedex,Frankreich) Publisher: VCH ISBN: 9783527330744 Cover: PAPERBACK Date: 2012年01月 DESCRIPTION Now in its fourth edition, this textbook is one of the few titles worldwide to cover enzyme kinetics in its entire scope and the only one to include its implications for bioinformatics and systems biology. Multi-enzyme complexes and cooperativity are therefore treated in more detail than in any other textbook on the market. The respected and well known author is one of the most experienced researchers into the topic and writes with outstanding style and didactic clarity. As with the previous editions, he presents here steady-state kinetics and fast reactions, supplementing each chapter with problems and solutions. For the first time, this edition features a companion website providing all figures in colour TABLE OF CONTENTS Basic Principles of Chemical Kinetics Introduction to Enzyme Kinetics "Alternative" Enzymes Practical Aspects of Kinetics Deriving Steady-state Rate Equations Reversible Inhibition and Activation Tight-binding and Irreversible Inhibitors Reactions of More than One Substrate Use of Isotopes for Studying Enzyme Mechanisms Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity Temperature Effects on Enzyme Activity Regulation of Enzyme Activity Multienzyme Systems Fast Reactions Estimation of Kinetic Constants Standards for Reporting Enzymology Data Solutions and Notes to Problems