Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, 2 ed
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物性物理学百科事典 第2版 Author: T. Chakraborty Publisher: Elsevier ISBN: 9780323908009 Cover: BOOK Date: 2023年10月 DESCRIPTION 本書は、2005年に出版された第1版を拡張し、量子力学、電子力学、相対性理論等など物性物理学分野における中核的な理論に加え、実験技術、材料加工、材料システムなどの最新の応用的なトピックに焦点を当てることで包括的な知見を提供します。とりわけ、物性におけるトポロジー、グラフェン、整数・分数量子ホール効果、光学、半導体、ナノスケール現象などの最新のトピックは非常に詳細に解説されています。物理学を専攻する学生だけでなく、他分野の研究者にとっても、関心のある知見にアクセスしやすく使い勝手の良い一冊となっています。 Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, Second Edition, Five Volume Set is a timely, authoritative and comprehensive expansion of the classic 2005 work, delivering over 300 brand new or fully updated articles focused on core theoretical discoveries and modern applications in this subject area. Meticulously planned and structured into approximately 60 sections, it allows the user to quickly gain a solid footing in the key theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics, mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity, statistical mechanics, and the elementary particles that form the core physics background for the field. These core areas form the background for coverage of such subjects as crystallography, transport phenomena, various theoretical models (electronic, band structure, materials property models), and physical properties of materials (electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal). The work also presents useful coverage of experimental techniques, materials processing, and materials systems, as well as applied topics. Novel topics, including topology in condensed matter, graphene, integer and fractional quantum Hall effect, and other nanoscale phenomena in optics, in semiconductors, and in superconductors are presented in unusual depth. The encyclopaedia solves the problem that students and interdisciplinary researchers often have of finding clear, accessible foundational information to answer their initial questions on a topic. From there, the way the work is structured and hosted on ScienceDirect makes it easy for users to navigate their way to the most relevant in-depth information or current research content as they wish. The end-result is an outstanding reference work: modern, fully up to date, easy to navigate and logistically and consistently structured via the use of a clear chapter template. It is the perfect reference tool for the modern-day physicist. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acoustics Alloys Catalysis Condensates Crystallography Crystals Dielectric Properties Electrical Properties Electronic Structure Field-Theoretic Aspects First-principles electronic structure Functional materials Glasses History Instruments/Devices Lattice Dynamics Liquids Localization Magnetic Properties Materials Processing Mathematics Mechanical Properties Metals Metamaterials Metrology Micro- and Nanoarchitectures Microscopy Molecular Dynamics Nanostructures Non-equilibrium physics Non-periodic materials Optical Properties Optics Particle Sources Quantum Aspects Quantum biology Quantum Fluids Quantum Hall effects Quantum Monte-Carlo Quantum Technologies Radiation Sources Scattering Semiconductors Semiconductors, Optics Soft Matter and Biophysics Specific materials Spectroscopy Spin Glass Spintronics Statistical Physics Strong electron correlation Structures Superconductivity Superfluidity Surfaces & layered materials Thermodynamics Topological Effects Transport properties