ホーム Forecast International社:Aerospace and Defense Industry Market Research Reports
Electronic Systems
Publisher: Forecast Internationa
Cover: Various Format


Market Intelligence Service
・AN Equipment Forecast
This service covers a wide range of U.S. Army and Navy-sponsored land, sea, and airborne programs. Highlights include very active radar, targeting, surveillance, sonar and communications systems for major land vehicles, navy vessels, and rotary and fixed wing aircraft. Also covered are major, developing technology such as the APG-81, and APG-85 F-35 multirole radar and the Cooperative Engagement Capability program.

・Airborne Electronics Forecast
Tracking major U.S. and international programs, the Airborne Electronics Forecast provides the latest market analysis on leading radar, self-protection, communications, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Long-range forecasts are provided for such high profile programs as the AAQ-28 Litening, and AAQ-40 targeting pods, the AAS-52 Multispectral Targeting System, the ARC-210 airborne radio, and the BOL countermeasures program.

・C5I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber & Intelligence Forecast
This service provides coverage of the radio, and command & control systems, cyber defense programs, datalink technology, and other sensor systems that equip and enhance battlespace connectivity for today's armed forces. Market-leading programs featured include long-standing, multi-service ventures, as well as development efforts on the cutting edge of technology. Major programs include Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2), the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS), Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), and the Bowman tactical radio program.

・Electro-Optical Systems Forecast
This service provides timely information and long-range forecasts for such high-profile Electro-Optical technology as night vision, thermal imaging, and laser targeting systems, as well as fast-growing and evolving segments such as battlefield simulation technology and directed energy developmental programs. Among leading programs covered are the Surface Navy Laser Weapons System, the Drone Dome Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System, the MIRADOR naval fire control systems, and the PAS-13 Thermal Weapon Sight.

・Electronic Systems Forecast
This service provides coverage of electronic attack, missile and radar warning systems, self-protection suites, and signals intelligence programs, as well as such vanguard RDT&E efforts as infrared countermeasures and counter-drone technology. Notable programs and systems, covering land, sea, and airborne domains include the Next Generation Jammer (NGJ), the Common IR Countermeasures (CIRCM) system, the Praetorian Defensive Aids Suite, the SLQ-32, Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program, and the TROPHY Active Protection System.

・Land & Sea-Based Electronics Forecast
The Land & Sea-Based Electronics Forecast provides select coverage of command and control, navigation, sonar, radar, communications, and fire control systems equipping tactical vehicles and naval vessels worldwide as well as RDT&E efforts into net-centricity and undersea warfare. Representative programs in this service include, the Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS), L3 KEO Non-Penetrating Periscopes, the TACTICOS Combat Management System, and the TPS-80 G/ATOR radar.

・Military Electronic Systems Group Library
Our Military Electronic Systems Market Intelligence Services provide 10- or 15-year unit and value production forecasts for the full range of radar, communications, electro-optical and electronic warfare systems in use by today's militaries or currently in development. These products feature complete global coverage of the major players and details on market trends, plus Market Segment Analyses detailing the top programs in each segment.

・Radar Forecast
Covering airborne, land-based, and sea-based systems currently in development and production, the Radar service provides the latest intelligence and long range forecasts for a diverse set of programs. Featured systems include the land-based 3DELRR air search radar, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's APG-81 fire control radar, IFF secondary radars such as the APX-125, and the sea-based SPY-6 Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR). Also included are larger system of systems programs like the Shared Early Warning System (SEWS).

Market Segment Analyses
 - The Market for Airborne Electro-Optical Systems
 - The Market for Airborne Radar Systems
 - The Market for Decoys & Dispensers
 - The Market for Electronic Attack Systems
 - The Market for Electronic Support Measures
 - The Market for Land & Sea-Based Electro-Optical Systems
 - The Market for Land-Based Radar Systems
 - The Market for Multimission Communications Systems
 - The Market for Naval Radar Systems
 - The Market for U.S. Military Airborne Communications Systems

Individual Program Reports
・Joint All-Domain Command and Control JADC2
・Net Centricity


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