Gauge Theories in Particle Physics 40th Anniversary Edition, 5 ed
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Hardback A Practical Introduction, Two Volume Set Author: Aitchison, Ian J.R. (Prof. Em., Univ. of Oxford) / Hey, Anthony J.G. (Microsoft Research) Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISBN: 9781032491585 Cover: Multiple-Component Date: 2024年06月 DESCRIPTION The fifth edition of this well-established, highly regarded two-volume set continues to provide a fundamental introduction to advanced particle physics while incorporating substantial new experimental results, especially in the areas of the Higgs and top quark sectors, as well as CP violation and neutrino oscillations. It offers an accessible and practical introduction to the three gauge theories comprising the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory. The first volume provides a broad and self-contained introduction to the first of these theories, QED. A unique feature is the elementary introduction to quantum field theory, leading in easy stages to covariant perturbation theory and Feynman graphs, thereby establishing a firm foundation for the formal and conceptual framework upon which the subsequent development of the three quantum gauge field theories of the Standard Model is based. The second volume covers the two non-Abelian gauge theories of QCD and the GSW theory. A distinctive feature is the extended treatment of two crucial theoretical tools: spontaneous symmetry breaking and the renormalization group. The underlying physics of these is elucidated by parallel discussions of examples from condensed matter systems: superfluidity and superconductivity, and critical phenomena. This new edition includes updates to jet algorithms, lattice field theory, CP violation and the CKM matrix, and neutrino physics. New to the fifth edition: ・ Tests of the Standard Model in the Higgs and top quark sectors ・ The naturalness problem and responses to it going beyond the Standard Model ・ The Standard Model as an effective field theory This revised and updated anniversary edition provides a self-contained pedagogical treatment of the subject, from relativistic quantum mechanics to the frontiers of the Standard Model. For each theory, the authors discuss the main conceptual points in both mathematical and physical aspects, detail many practical calculations of physical quantities from first principles, and compare these quantitative predictions with experimental results, helping readers improve both their calculation skills and physical insight. This set should serve as a valuable handbook for students and researchers in advanced particle physics looking for an introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics. TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 Chapter 1: The particles and forces of the Standard Model Chapter 2: Electromagnetism as a Gauge Theory Chapter 3: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Chapter 4: Lorentz Transformations and Discrete Symmetries Chapter 5: Quantum Field Theory I: the Free Scalar Field Chapter 6: Quantum Field Theory II: Interacting Scalar Fields Chapter 7: Quantum Field Theory III. Chapter 8: Elementary processes Chapter 9: Deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering Chapter 10: Loops and Renormalization I: the ABC Theory Chapter 11: Loops and Renormalization II: QED Appendix A: Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics Appendix B: Natural Units Appendix C: Maxwell's Equations: Choice of Units Appendix D: Special Relativity: Invariance and Covariance Appendix E: Dirac δ-Function Appendix F: Contour Integration Appendix G: Green Functions Appendix H: Elements of Non-relativistic Scattering Theory Appendix I: The particles and forces of the Standard Model Schrodinger and Heisenberg Pictures Appendix J: Dirac Algebra and Trace Identities Appendix K: Example of a Cross Section Calculation Appendix L: Feynman Rules for Tree Graphs in QED References. VOLUME 2 Chapter 12: Global Non-Abelian Symmetries Chapter 13: Local Non-Abelian (Gauge) Symmetries Chapter 14: QCD I: Introduction, Tree Graph Predictions, and Jets Chapter 15: QCD II: Asymptotic Freedom, the Renormalization Group, and Scaling Violations Chapter 16: Lattice Field Theory, and the Renormalization Group Revisited Chapter 17: Spontaneously Broken Global Symmetry Chapter 18: Chiral Symmetry Breaking Chapter 19: Spontaneously Broken Local Symmetry Chapter 20: Introduction to the Phenomenology of Weak Interactions Chapter 21: CP Violation and Oscillation Phenomena Chapter 22: The Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Gauge Theory of Electroweak Interactions Chapter 23: Further Developments Appendix M: Group Theory Appendix N: Geometrical Aspects of Gauge Fields Appendix O: Dimensional Regularization Appendix P: Grassmann Variables Appendix Q: Feynman Rules for Tree Graphs in QCD and the Electroweak Theory References.