ホーム Ternary Alloys: A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams
Volume 22: Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications
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Series: Ternary Alloys. A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams
Author: Hans Jurgen Seifert and K.C.Hari Kumar
Publisher: MSI Publishing
ISBN: 9783932120534
Date: 2024年06月


It is well known that knowledge of phase equilibria plays a vital role in the successful development, processing, application, and recycling of materials. This volume combines critically evaluated phase diagrams and related information on 31 key ternary systems relevant to refractory ceramics, composites, and alloys. Refractory materials are used in many technical applications because of their ability to withstand harsh environments. Such materials should be able to withstand high temperatures for extended durations. Furthermore, their phase stability and chemical composition should not undergo significant changes during service, which could adversely impact engineering and other properties. Their ability to resist oxidation, corrosion, and wear makes them the best choice for applications in extreme environments. Optimizing these properties requires knowledge of phase constitution under various conditions. It is envisaged that the information presented in this volume will be of interest to the scientific and engineering community, covering areas such as material development, processing, and finally, their applications in sectors such as aerospace, nuclear energy, chemical industry, lighting, etc. Oxides such as alumina, zirconia, and tantalum (V) oxide are important base materials for manufacturing multicomponent refractory ceramics. In this volume key systems Al-O-Ta, Hf-O-Ta, Hf-O-Zr, O-Si-Zr, O-Ta-Zr are included. For the sake of refractory composites based on silicon carbide, boron carbide and boron nitride, the systems B-C-Hf, B-C-N, B-C-Si, and B-N-Ti are included.
The refractory metals include five main elements: tungsten (W), molybdenum (Mo), tantalum (Ta), niobium (Nb) and rhenium (Re)
with exceptionally high-melting temperatures (above 2000°C).Consequently, these elements and alloys have great potential for
superior high-temperature service. Present applications include their use in the lighting industry, aerospace engineering (rockets), nuclear power generators (fusion, fission), and chemical processing equipment. Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
(RCCA) made from these elements may be applied in future.Various technologically important ternary systems can be found in the present volume. Mo alloys: B-Mo-Si, Mo-Nb-V, Mo-Ni-Ta, Mo-Ni-W, Mo-Si-Ti, Mo-Ti-Zr; Nb alloys: Nb-Ni-V, Nb-Si-Ti, Nb-Ti-V; Ta alloys: Al-Ta-Ti, C-Cr-Ta, C-Ta-Zr; W alloys: B-Cr-W, B-Ti-W, C-Hf-W, C-Si-W. A broader definition of refractory metals includes
elements with melting points from 1850°C upwards (e.g. V, Cr), and therefore also the systems B-Si-V, C-Cr-Ti, Ti-V-Zr are presented. Note that the systems containing carbon and/or boron also encompass various important refractory carbides and borides, e.g. tantalum carbide, TaC (highest materials melting point of 3985 °C), or titanium boride, TiB (melting point 3203 °C). The system C-Co- 2 Fe is a system of interest for processing WC-base cemented carbides.

The ternary systems of this volume are all reviewed and assessed by experts in the research area of phase diagrams. The resented results provide invaluable guidelines for refractory materials processing and design. They also serve as didactically fine examples for applying the fundamental rules of heterogeneous equilibria to rather complex ternary systems.
The book series, as well as the MSI Eureka electronic platform, have been proven to be indispensable to everyone concerned with the research and development of materials, such as materials scientists and engineers, metallurgists, chemical engineers, inorganic chemists and physicists.
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