ホーム 数学関連書籍のご案内 2024年9月&10月号
Handbook of Statistical Analysis, 3 ed
未刊 ご予約承ります。

AI and ML Applications
Author: Nisbet, Robert (Researcher-Medical Informatics, H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, University of California Irvine Medical Center, Private Consulting, Santa Barbara, CA, USA) / Miner, Gary D. (CEO, M&M Predictive Analytics LLC; UCI Adjunct
Publisher: Elsevier USA
ISBN: 9780443158452
Date: 2024年09月

Handbook of Statistical Analysis: AI and ML Applications, third edition, is a comprehensive introduction to all stages of data analysis, data preparation, model building, and model evaluation. This valuable resource is useful to students and professionals across a variety of fields and settings: business analysts, scientists, engineers, and researchers in academia and industry. General descriptions of algorithms together with case studies help readers understand technical and business problems, weigh the strengths and weaknesses of modern data analysis algorithms, and employ the right analytical methods for practical application.

This resource is an ideal guide for users who want to address massive and complex datasets with many standard analytical approaches and be able to evaluate analyses and solutions objectively. It includes clear, intuitive explanations of the principles and tools for solving problems using modern analytic techniques; offers accessible tutorials; and discusses their application to real-world problems.

Part I - Introduction
1. Historical Background to Analytics
2. Theory
3. Data Mining and Predictive Analytic Process
4. Data Science Tool Types: Which one is Best?

Part II - Data Preparation
5. Data Access
6. Data Understanding
7. Data Visualization
8. Data Cleaning
9. Data Conditioning
10. Feature Engineering
11. Feature Selection
12. Data Preparation Cookbook

Part III - Modeling
13. Algorithms
14. Modeling
15. Model Evaluation and Enhancement
16. Ensembles & Complexity
17. Deep Learning vs. Traditional ML
18. Explainable AI (XAI) put after Deep Learning
19. Human in the Loop

Part IV - Applications
20. GENERAL OVERVIEW of an Application - Healthcare Delivery and Medical Informatics
21. Specific Application: Business: Customer Response
22. Specific Application: Education: Learning Analytics
23. Specific Application: Medical Informatics: Colon Cancer Screening
24. Specific Application: Financial: Credit Risk
25. Specific FUTURE Application: The ‘INTELLIGENCE AGE (Revolution)’: LLMs like ChatGPT - Tiny ML - H.U.M.A.N.E. - Etc.

Part V - Right Models - Luck - & Ethics of Analytics
26. Right Model for the Right Use
27. Ethics in Data Science
28. Significance of Luck

Part VI - Tutorials and Case Studies
Tutorial A Example of Data Mining Recipes Using Statistica Data Miner 13
Tutorial B Analysis of Hurricane Data (Hurrdata.sta) Using the Statistica Data Miner 13
Tutorial C Predicting Student Success at High-Stakes Nursing Examinations (NCLEX) Using SPSS Modeler and Statistica Data Miner 13
Tutorial D Constructing a Histogram Using MidWest Company Personality Data Using KNIME
Tutorial E Feature Selection Using KNIME
Tutorial F Medical/Business Tutorial Using Statistica Data Miner 13
Tutorial G A KNIME Exercise, Using Alzheimer’s Training Data of Tutorial F (RAN note: This tutorial refers to the data used in Tutorial I, and it should be changed to refer to Tutorial F. I propose a new title: Tutorial G Medical/Business Tutorial with Tutorial F Data Using KNIME.
Tutorial H Data Prep 1-1: Merging Data Sources Using KNIME
Tutorial I Data Prep 1-2: Data Description Using KNIME
Tutorial J Data Prep 2-1: Data Cleaning and Recoding Using KNIME
Tutorial K Data Prep 2-2: Dummy Coding Category Variables Using KNIME
Tutorial L Data Prep 2-3: Outlier Handling Using KNIME
Tutorial M Data Prep 3-1: Filling Missing Values With Constants Using KNIME
Tutorial N Data Prep 3-2: Filling Missing Values With Formulas Using KNIME
Tutorial O Data Prep 3-3: Filling Missing Values With a Model Using KNIME
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