ホーム 生物学関連書籍のご案内 2024年9月&10月号
Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology, 2 ed
未刊 ご予約承ります。

Series: Routledge Environment and Sustainability Handbooks
Author: Peh, Kelvin S.-H. (Uni of Soton, UK) / Corlett, Richard T. (XTBG, CAS, CH) / Bergeron, Yves (UQAT, Rouyn-Noranda, CA)(Editor)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9781032348384
Date: 2024年10月

The Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology is an essential resource covering all aspects of forest ecology from a global perspective.

This new edition has been fully revised and updated throughout to reflect the profound and unprecedented changes in both forests and climates since the publication of the first edition in 2015. The handbook reflects key developments in the field of forest dynamics and large-scale processes, as well as the changes that are now manifesting in different types of forests across the globe as a result of climate change. It covers both natural and managed forests, from boreal, temperate, sub-tropical and tropical regions of the world. In this second edition, the breadth of the handbook has been expanded with new chapters on mountain forests, monodominance, pathogens and invertebrate pests and amphibians and reptiles in forest ecosystems. Original author teams are complemented by the addition of new authors to offer fresh perspectives, and the second edition places greater emphasis on the applicability of each topic at a global level. The handbook is divided into seven parts:
? Part I: The forest
? Part II: Forest dynamics
? Part III: Forest flora and fauna
? Part IV: Energy and nutrients
? Part V: Forest conservation and management
? Part VI: Forest and climate change
? Part VII: Human ecology

The Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology is an essential reference text for a wide range of students and scholars of ecology, environmental science, forestry, geography and natural resource management.

1. Introduction
Kelvin S.-H. Peh, Yves Bergeron and Richard T. Corlett

Part 1: The Forest
2. Boreal Forests
Jean-Pierre Saucier, Ken Baldwin, Pavel Krestov and Torre Jorgenson
3. Temperate Forests
Lee E. Frelich and Rebecca Montgomery
4. Subtropical Forests
Richard T. Corlett and Alice C. Hughes
5. Tropical Forests
Richard T. Corlett
6. Temperate and Boreal Mountain Forests
Christopher Carcaillet and Peter Z. Fule

Part 2: Forest Dynamics
7. Insect Disturbances in Forest Ecosystems
Dan Kneeshaw, Brian R. Sturtevant, Barry Cooke, Timothy Work, Deepa Pureswaran, Louis DeGrandpre and Dave MacLean
8. Fire in Forest Ecosystems
David F. Greene, Madeleine A. Lopez and Sean T. Michaletz
9. Ecological Effects of Strong Wind on Forests
Stephen M. Turton and Mohammed Alamgir
10. Forest Succession and Gap Dynamics
Rebecca Montgomery and Lee E. Frelich
11. Tree Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow in Forest Ecosystems
Francine Tremblay
12. Monodominance in Tropical Lowland Forests
Kelvin S.-H. Peh

Part 3: Forest Flora and Fauna
13. The Ecology of Lianas and Their Increasing Influence in Tropical Forests
Stefan A. Schnitzer
14. Vascular Epiphytes in Forest Ecosystems
Amanda Taylor
15. Insects in Forest Ecosystems
Andrea Battisti
16. Bryophytes in Forest Ecosystems
Nicole J. Fenton, Kristoffer Hylander Emma Pharo and Charles E. Zartman
17. Lichens in Forest Ecosystems
Per-Anders Esseen, Goran Thor and Darwyn Coxson
18. Mammals in Forest Ecosystems
Richard T. Corlett and Alice C. Hughes
19. Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds
Malcolm C.K. Soh, Ding Li Yong, Richard T. Corlett and Kelvin S.-H. Peh
20. Amphibians and Reptiles of Forest Ecosystems
David Bickford, Adrian Garda, Seshadri K.S, Umilaela Arifin, Hiral Naik, Hanyeh Ghaffari and Barbod Safaei-Mahroo
21. Global Patterns of Biodiversity in Forests
Christine B. Schmitt and Joao de Deus Vidal Jr.

Part 4: Energy and Nutrients
22. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Forest Ecosystems
Leho Tedersoo
23. Biogeochemical Cycling
David Pare, Daniel Markewitz and Hakan Wallander
24. Forest Hydrology
Andre St-Hilaire
25. Primary Production and Allocation in Forest Ecosystems
Frank Berninger and Kelvin S.-H. Peh

Part 5: Forest Conservation and Management
26. Natural Regeneration after Harvesting
Nelson Thiffault, Lluis Coll, Douglass F. Jacobs, Marie Ange Ngo Bieng and Eliott Maurent
27. Tropical Deforestation, Forest Degradation and the Role of REDD+ in Climate Change Mitigation
John A. Parrotta
28. Restoration of Forest Ecosystems
John A. Stanturf
29. Forest Fragments and Fragmentation
Michael David Pashkevich, Badrul Azhar, Damayanti Buchori, Robert J. Fletcher, Jr., Jake L. Snaddon and Edgar C. Turner
30. The Ecology of Logged Forests
Paul Woodcock, Panu Halme and David P. Edwards
31. Pollution in Forests
Mikhail V. Kozlov and Elena L. Zvereva
32. Biological Invasions in Forests and Forest Plantations
Marcel Rejmanek
33. Pathogens and Invertebrate Pests in North American Forest Ecosystems
Sandy M. Smith and Louis Bernier

Part 6: Forest and Climate Change
34. Fire and Climate: Using the Past to Predict the Future
Marion Lestienne, Justin Waito, Cheima Barhoumi, Laurent Bremond, Martin P. Girardin, Jacques C. Tardif, Adam A. Ali, Hermann Behling, Julia Unkelbach and Christelle Hely
35. The Ecological Consequences of Droughts in Forests
Richard T. Corlett
36. From Wood Formation to Tree Ring: How Tree Growth Responds to Climate Change
Roberto Silvestro, Minhui He, Jian-Guo Huang and Hubert Morin and Sergio Rossi
37. Plant Movements in Response to Rapid Climate Change
Richard T. Corlett
38. Forest Carbon Budgets and Climate Change
Yadvinder Malhi, Tina Christmann, Xiongjie Deng, Huanyuan Zhang-Zheng, Sam Moore and Terhi Riutta

Part 7: Human ecology
39. Multiple Roles of Non-timber Forest Products in Ecologies, Economies and Livelihoods
Charlie M. Shackleton
40. Agriculture in the Forest: Ecology and Rationale of Shifting Cultivation
Olivier Ducourtieux
41. Indigenous Forest Knowledge
Hugo Asselin
42. Wild Meat Hunting in Tropical Forests
Julia E. Fa and Stephan M. Funk
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