ホーム 生物学関連書籍のご案内 2024年7月&8月号
Plant Holobiome Engineering for Climate-Smart Agriculture, 1 Ed.
出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。

Series: Sustainable Plant Nutrition in a Changing World
Author: R. Z. Sayyed; Noshin Ilyas
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789819993871
Date: 2024年05月

This edited volume is an inclusive collection of information on crop holobiome, their function and diversity, the plausible role of soil microbes in crop growth, protection from pathogens and stresses, the use of resilient microbiomes for changing climate, and the use of new technologies to study plant-insect-microbe molecular interactions in agricultural systems.

Holobiomes provide information about both plants and their microbiomes, which gives a more comprehensive insight, particularly for changing climatic scenarios. By optimizing the crop holobime function crop productivity and plant health can be enhanced manifold. This book deep dives into the numerous ways in which holobiome supports the improving plant health, nutrient uptake, disease control, and stress resistance in major food crops. It helps researchers, academicians, agri-entrepreneurs, and technologists understand the structure and function of holobiomes in crop growth, health, stress tolerance under climatic changes, and holobiome diversity and evolution. The book is also helpful in designing new dimensions in the holobiome research and development of new products and technologies.

This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.

This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This volume is of interest and useful to agriculture scientists, microbiologists, ecologists, and is a valuable source of reference to researchers and students.
This vol

Holobiones: Structure and function.- Below and above Ground Crop Microbiome: Structure, Diversity and Interactions with plant.- Beneficial Rhizobacterial Biomes: A Natural Drought Stress Alleviators for Sustainable Crop Production.- Response of crop microbiomes to biotic stress.- Plausible role of microbiomes as biofertilizers, biopesticides, or biostimulants, for improving of crop health.- Role of Crop Microbiomes in Crop Production Under Changing Climate - Past, Present and Future.- Crop microbiomes: Mitigators of abiotic stress.- Role of rhizobia in plant growth promotion: Agricultural perspective.- Role of rice microbiome on healthy growth and yield.- Beneficial Microbes in Soil and Plant Nutrition.- Zinc solubilizing bacteria: Contributions in nutrients bioavailability and implications for agriculture productivity.- Microbial Biostimulants: A Sustainable Approach Towards Potential Plant Nutrition and Improved Crop Production.- Microbial biostimulants, for improving crop nutrition, health and productivity in climate-smart agriculture.- Beneficial Microbes in soil Health and Crop Productivity.- Rice Bacterial Endophytes: Core: Microbiomes and Different Phylogenetic Groups in the Microniches of Oryza species.- Role of Endophytic Microbiome in Agricultural Crop Protection.- Beneficial Microbes for the Biocontrol of Plant Phytopathogens.- Crop microbiomes enhance antioxidant defense in plants.- Microbial Communities in Rhizosphere Microbiome for Sustainable Soil Health and Productivity.- PGPM of Forest Ecosystems for The Sustainable Forest Production.- Establishment of potential leguminous cover crop, Vigna marina for high salinity soil conditions.- Regulation of plant microbe interaction through RNAi.- Plant-Actinobacterial Interactions for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management in Crops.- Metabolites of Chemical Signaling Pathways from Crop-Microbe Interactions.- Metabolites of PGPR for chemical signaling pathway.- Molecular Mechanism of Plant-Bacteria Interactions.- Recent techniques used in characterization of crop microbiomes.- Systematic Approach in Modeling the Biochemical Resistance Exhibited by the Plants Under Stress Conditions.- Plant-mediated interactions between microbes and insects in the management of plant pests.- Endophytic Fungi: Potential Source of Allelochemicals for Sustainable Agriculture.- Nano-biofertilizers: An Eco-friendly Practice for Sustainable Agroecosystem Enhancing Plant Responses.- A Review on the Benefits and Environmental Risks of using Nanopesticides in Agricultural Fields.- Response of crop microbiomes to nanoparticles.- Nano-biofertilizers: A New Area for Enhancing Plant Nutrition.- Biopriming with myogenic nano-formulations for improving plant health.- Nanopesticides: Unleashing the Power of Tiny Warriors in Plant Protection.- Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Assist Phytoremediation and Phytomining: Environment Sustainable Way For Reclamation of Heavy Metal Polluted Soil.- Crop and their microbiomes in phytoremediation systems.- Microbial Mediated Bioremediation of Polluted Environments: Current and Future Perspectives.- The Role of Beneficial Microbes Associated with Pteris vittata in the Bioremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils.- Utilization of Soil Microbes in Petroleum Bioremediation.
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