ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
Handbook of Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Integrating Research and Practice
Author: Ulrike M. Ludtke; Edward Kija; Mathew Kinyua Karia
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783031045066
Date: 2024年02月

This book synthesizes research on language development and communication disability in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights best practices for providing speech and language therapy services to individuals with language, communication, and hearing disorders across the lifespan. The book brings together a wide range of international contributions from various disciplines, such as speech-language pathology, audiology, developmental psychology, language education, social work, neurology, neuropsychology, pediatrics, linguistics, pedagogy, and phonetics to provide perspectives on problems, challenges, ideas, concepts, and models to serve the people in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Key areas of coverage include:
Challenges for speech-language therapists in the health sector.
Community awareness and the sustainable delivery of services.
Culture-specific support of communication and language development in early childhood.
Malnutrition, dysphagia, feeding difficulties, pediatric HIV, and related issues.
Communication disability treatments, including assessment and intervention, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and issues specific to bilingualism and biliteracy.
Inclusive education of children with communication disorders with case studies from Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and South Africa.

The Handbook of Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other professionals in developmental psychology, speech-language pathology and therapy, social work, neuropsychology, pediatrics, special education, community based rehabilitation, and all related disciplines.


PART I: PROF.- Introduction to Section I.- Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Emergence of a Profession in a Diverse Multilingual and Multicultural Context.- Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development and Sustainability of Services for Persons with Communication Disability.- Maximizing the Benefits and Minimizing the Risks from the Contribution of ‘Outsiders’ to the Development of Services for Persons with Communication Disability in sub-Saharan Africa.- Clinical Competence of Speech-Language Therapists in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts: A Qualitative Study of Intercultural Work Experiences Abroad.- The History of Speech-Language Therapy in Kenya: A Collective Memory.- The Development of the Speech-Language Therapy Profession in West Africa: Over 10 Years of Experience.- A Revolution in Training Speech-Language Therapists in Sub-Saharan Countries and Globally.- The Demands of Context: Development of a Relational In Vivo Methodology for Participative Speech-Language Therapy Research in Sub-Saharan Africa.- Speech-Language Therapy in Kenya: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities.- Obulala Na-maani: Unity is Strength Speech-Language Therapy and Community Engagement in Three Kenyan Communities.- PART II: DEV & PREV.- Introduction to Section II.- Paradoxical Reflections on Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Relevance for Speech-Language Therapists in Sub-Saharan Africa.- Typical Phonological Development in Ugandan Language: A Case of Rukiga - A Pilot Study.- The Participatory Potential of Photovoice as a Relational In Vivo Research and Training Method: The Case of a Community-based Prevention Program on Early Communication and Language Disability in Underserved Rural Sub-Saharan Africa.- A Network of Knowledge: Participatory Development of Culturally Sensitive Information, Education, and Communication Materials for the Prevention of Communication Disability in Rural Tanzania.- Pediatric HIV/AIDS and Communication and Developmental Disorders in South African Children.- Hear Africa! Improving Language Development, Education, and Participation of Children with Severe Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Tanzania.- PART III: ASS & TREAT.- Introduction to Section III.- Development of Speech-Language Therapy Assessments for the Languages of South Africa.- Assessing Language in South Africa: Use of the Passive Construction.- Methods for Devising a Standardized Language Assessment for isiZulu Preschoolers: Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa.- Using Acoustic Phonetics in the Assessment and Treatment of Speech Disorders.- The Capacity to Assess and Treat Communication Disability in Kenya: Field-Based Evidence.- Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children with Language Disorders in sub-Saharan Africa: Approaches to Service Delivery.- Speech, Language, and Swallowing Difficulties in Neurology: A Sub-Saharan African Perspective.- Active Aging with Aphasia: A Case of Kiambu County, Kenya.- Development of a Mobile SLT Clinic: An Example from East Africa.- The Organization of Cochlear Implant Programs in Tanzania: Assessment of Needs and Challenges.- PART IV: INCL.- Introduction to Section IV.- Communication, Disability and Human Rights: Exploring the Role of the Sustainable Development Goals.- Access to Early Childhood Development and Inclusive Education Services for Refugee Children with Communication Disability in Rwanda.- Inclusion of Children with Social Communication Disorder in Kenya.- Promoting Social Communication: Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in East Africa.- Navigating Communication Difficulties Faced by Children with Autism Spectrum D
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