ホーム 2024年4月刊行書籍セール Science
ホーム 物理学特集 2024年4月号
Classical Electrodynamics, 2 ed
◆Taylor & Francis セール開催中!:2024年6月23日(日)ご注文分まで

出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。

Series: Frontiers in Physics
Author: Schwinger, Julian / Milton, Kimball(Editor)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9780367502072
Date: 2024年04月

Classical Electrodynamics captures Schwinger's inimitable lecturing style, in which everything flows inexorably from what has gone before. This anniversary edition offers a refreshing update while still maintaining Schwinger’s voice.

The book provides the student with a thorough grounding in electrodynamics in particular, and in classical field theory in general. An essential resource for both physicists and their students, the book includes a Reader's Guide, which describes the major themes in each chapter, suggests a possible path through the book, and identifies topics for inclusion in, and exclusion from, a given course, depending on the instructor's preference.

Carefully constructed problems complement the material of the text. Classical Electrodynamics should be of great value to all physicists, from first-year graduate students to senior researchers, and to all those interested in electrodynamics, field theory, and mathematical physics.

The original text for the graduate classical electrodynamics course was left unfinished upon Julian Schwinger's death in 1994, but was completed by his former students and co-authors, who have brilliantly recreated the excitement of Schwinger's novel approach. This anniversary edition has been revised by one of those original co-authors, Kimball Milton.

Classical Electrodynamics captures Schwinger's inimitable lecturing style, in which everything flows inexorably from what has gone before. This anniversary edition offers a refreshing update while still maintaining Schwinger’s voice.

The book provides the student with a thorough grounding in electrodynamics in particular, and in classical field theory in general. An essential resource for both physicists and their students, the book includes a Reader's Guide, which describes the major themes in each chapter, suggests a possible path through the book, and identifies topics for inclusion in, and exclusion from, a given course, depending on the instructor's preference.

Carefully constructed problems complement the material of the text. Classical Electrodynamics should be of great value to all physicists, from first-year graduate students to senior researchers, and to all those interested in electrodynamics, field theory, and mathematical physics.

The original text for the graduate classical electrodynamics course was left unfinished upon Julian Schwinger's death in 1994, but was completed by his former students and co-authors, who have brilliantly recreated the excitement of Schwinger's novel approach. This anniversary edition has been revised by one of those original co-authors, Kimball Milton.

I Formulation of Electrodynamics
1. Maxwell’s Equations
2. Magnetic Charge I
3. Conservation Laws
4. Macroscopic Electrodynamics
5. Simple Model for Constitutive Relations
6. Dispersion Relations for the Susceptibility
7. Magnetic Properties of Matter
8. Macroscopic Energy and Momentum
9. Review of Action Principles
10. Action Principle for Electrodynamics
11. Einsteinian Relativity
12. Relativistic formulation
II Electrostatics
13. Stationary Principles for Electrostatics
14. Introduction to Green’s Functions
15. Electrostatics in Free Space
16. Semi-Infinite Dielectric
17. Application of Green’s Function
18. Bessel Functions
19. Parallel Conducting Plates
20. Modified Bessel Functions
21. Cylindrical Conductors
23. Coulomb’s Potential
24. Multipoles
25. Conducting Sphere and Dielectric Ball
26. Dielectrics and Conductors
27. Modes and Variations
III Magnetostatics
28. Magnetostatics
29. Macroscopic Current Distributions
30. Magnetic Multipoles
31. Magnetic Scalar Potential
32. Steady Currents and Dissipation
33. Magnetic Charge II
IV Electromagnetic Radiation
34. Retarded Green’s Function
35. Radiation-Field Point of View
36. Radiation-Source Point of View
37. Models of Antennas
38. Spectral Distribution of Radiation
Information Classification: General
39. Power Spectrum and ?Cerenkov Radiation
40. Constant Acceleration and Impulse
41. Synchrotron Radiation I
42. Synchrotron Radiation II-Polarization
43. Synchrotron Radiation III-High Energies
44. Propagation in a Dielectric Medium
45. Reflection by an Imperfect Conductor
46. Cylindrical Coordinates
47. Waveguides
48. Scattering by Small Obstacles
49. Partial-Wave Analysis of Scattering
50. Diffraction I
51. Diffraction II
52. Babinet’s Principle
53. General Scattering
54. Charged Particle Energy Loss

I Formulation of Electrodynamics
1. Maxwell’s Equations
2. Magnetic Charge I
3. Conservation Laws
4. Macroscopic Electrodynamics
5. Simple Model for Constitutive Relations
6. Dispersion Relations for the Susceptibility
7. Magnetic Properties of Matter
8. Macroscopic Energy and Momentum
9. Review of Action Principles
10. Action Principle for Electrodynamics
11. Einsteinian Relativity
12. Relativistic formulation
II Electrostatics
13. Stationary Principles for Electrostatics
14. Introduction to Green’s Functions
15. Electrostatics in Free Space
16. Semi-Infinite Dielectric
17. Application of Green’s Function
18. Bessel Functions
19. Parallel Conducting Plates
20. Modified Bessel Functions
21. Cylindrical Conductors
23. Coulomb’s Potential
24. Multipoles
25. Conducting Sphere and Dielectric Ball
26. Dielectrics and Conductors
27. Modes and Variations
III Magnetostatics
28. Magnetostatics
29. Macroscopic Current Distributions
30. Magnetic Multipoles
31. Magnetic Scalar Potential
32. Steady Currents and Dissipation
33. Magnetic Charge II
IV Electromagnetic Radiation
34. Retarded Green’s Function
35. Radiation-Field Point of View
36. Radiation-Source Point of View
37. Models of Antennas
38. Spectral Distribution of Radiation
Information Classification: General
39. Power Spectrum and ?Cerenkov Radiation
40. Constant Acceleration and Impulse
41. Synchrotron Radiation I
42. Synchrotron Radiation II-Polarization
43. Synchrotron Radiation III-High Energies
44. Propagation in a Dielectric Medium
45. Reflection by an Imperfect Conductor
46. Cylindrical Coordinates
47. Waveguides
48. Scattering by Small Obstacles
49. Partial-Wave Analysis of Scattering
50. Diffraction I
51. Diffraction II
52. Babinet’s Principle
53. General Scattering
54. Charged Particle Energy Loss






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