ホーム 生物学特集 2024年3月号
Role of Microbes in Sustainable Development, 1 Ed.
出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。

Human Health and Diseases
Author: R.C. Sobti; Ramesh Chander Kuhad; Rup Lal; Parveen Rishi
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789819931255
Date: 2023年12月

This book examines the role of human microbiome in human health and diseases. The initial chapters present tools for genetic manipulation of gut microbiota and the therapeutic applications of engineered microbiota. They discuss the interaction between human microbiota and host in defining the prominent role of microbes in the development and progression of major human diseases. The book also summarizes the current applications and trends for the development, production and analytical characterization of recombinant therapeutic proteins in microbial systems. It also reviews the role of microbes in the production of vaccines and antibiotics. Further, the book presents bacterial products, including proteins, enzymes, immunotoxins and secondary metabolites, that target cancer cells and cause tumour regression. The chapters also discuss the critical role of gut microbiota dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease and in bowel-related diseases. Towards the end, the book explores the role of intestinal microbiota in metabolic health and the pathogenesis of common metabolic disorders. It presents state-of-the-art insights into important aspects of United Nations- Sustainable Developmental Goal 3.

1. Microbial Diversity and Their Role in Human Health and Diseases.- Section I: Gut Microbes and Perspectives.- 2. Emerging Microbial Identification Technologies in the Era of Omics and Genome Editing.- 3. Gut Microbiome: Perspectives and Challenges in Human Health.- 4. Probiotics - A Healthy Treasure.- 5. Different Generations of Probiotics: An Effective Way to Restore Gut Homeostasis.- 6. Application Of Potential Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Human Health.- Section II: Emerging Technologies in Gut Microbiome Research.- 7. Emerging Technologies and Current Advances in Human Bacteriome Research.- 8. Emerging Microbial Technologies: Mitigating Challenges to Humanity.- 9. Modern Tools of Genome Engineering and Their Applications.- 10. Emerging Technologies to Investigate the Potential of Gut Microbiota in Human Health.- 11. Tools and Techniques for Exploring Hidden Microorganisms: A Potential Future of Human Health Diagnosis.- 12. Crispr-Cas Fundamentals and Advancements in Translational Biotechnology” .- Section III: Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Disorders.- 13. Microbiome and Human Health: From Dysbiosis to Therapeutic Interventions.- 14. Gut Microbiota and Its Role in Human Metabolic Disorders.- 15. Influence Of the Gut Microbiome on Cardiovascular Health and Hypertension.- 16. Role Of Microbiome in Reproductive Health: An Expanding Dimension.- 17. Role Of Bacteriocins in Modulation of Microbiome in Human Diseases.- 18. Emerging Role of Gut Microbiome in Cancer Immunotherapy.- 19. Microbial Secondary Metabolites: Targetting Tumors and Associated Challenges.- 20. Bacteria And Bacteria-Based Products in Cancer Therapy: Current Status and Future Advances.- 21. Communication With Gut Microbiota: An Emerging Strategy to Predict and Prevent Cancer.- 22. Insights in the Cross-Talk Between Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: A Focus On Alzheimers’s Disease.- Section IV: Association of Phages and Fungi with Gut Microbiome.- 23. Fungi As a Treasure Trove of Bioactive Compounds for Human Health.- 24. Reminiscing Phages in The Era of Superbugs.- 25. The Potential of Bacteriophages in Treating Covid-19 Associated Secondary Infections.- Section V: Diverse Roles of Microbiome.- 26. Role Of Microbes in Production of Vaccines.- 27. Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Approach Towards Sustainable Development.- 28. Microbial Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.- 29. Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Microbes.- 30. Microbial Biopharmaceuticals in Urolithiasis Management and Treatment.- 31. Use Of Yeast In The Welfare Of Human and Their Applications.- 32. Photoautotrophic Microbes with Potential for A Super Health Food On This Planet.- 33 Autopsy and COVID-19.- 34 COVID and their Impacts on Aquatic Systems: Is it a Solution for Environmental Resilience?
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