Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles - Tracked 23/24
Publisher: Janes ISBN: NEU0710634313 Cover: HARDCOVER DESCRIPTION Janes Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles - Tracked 23/24 Understand land threats and maintain capability This information resource delivers profiles of armoured fighting vehicles-in development and under production worldwide. Technical information helps military and security organizations develop and maintain land combat capability advantage, and A&D businesses benefit from land warfare market intelligence. Janes Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles from Janes Group helps you: * Evaluate competitors, partners and acquisition targets * Conduct industry market research * Assess technologies and capabilities * Model land-based threat scenarios * Discover sales opportunities Profiles on 430+ land warfare platforms under development in 60+ countries, cover: * Detailed specification, variant and development details * Descriptions * Program status * Photographs and diagrams * Suppliers and manufacturers * Detailed specification, variant and development details