ホーム 生物学特集 2024年3月号
Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution
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Author: Gontier, Dr Nathalie (University of Lisbon) / Lock, Prof Andy (Department of Psychology, Massey University) / Sinha, Prof Chris (School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Commuication, University of East Anglia)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198813781
Date: 2024年02月

The biological and neurological capacity to symbolize, and the products of behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, linguistic, and technological uses of symbols (symbolism), are fundamental to every aspect of human life. The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution explores the origins of our characteristically human abilities - our ability to speak, create images, play music, and read and write. The book investigates how symbolization evolved in human evolution and how symbolism is expressed across the various areas of human life. The field is intrinsically interdisciplinary - considering findings from fossil studies, scientific research from primatology, developmental psychology, and of course linguistics.

Written by world leading experts, thirty-eight topical chapters are grouped into six thematic parts that respectively focus on epistemological, psychological, anthropological, ethological, linguistic, and social-technological aspects of human symbolic evolution. The handbook presents an in-depth but comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the of the state of the art in the science of human symbolic evolution. This work will be of interest to academics and students active in all fields contributing to the study of human evolution.

1:Introduction: Current Topics and Debates in Human Symbolic Evolution
Nathalie Gontier, Andy Lock, Chris Sinha
PART 1: Studying symbolism: Epistemological considerations
2:The evolution of the biological sciences
Nathalie Gontier
3:The evolution of the symbolic sciences
Nathalie Gontier
4:A timeline for the acquisition of symbolic cognition in the human lineage
Ian Tattersall
5:Behavioral modernity, evolutionary synergies, and the symbolic species
Ana Majkic
6:On the aboutness of language and the evolution of the construction-ready brain
Michael A. Arbib
7:The evolution of language and speech: What we know from genetics
Antonio Benitez-Burraco and Dan Dediu

PART 2: Pathways to symbolization: Psychological considerations
8:The evolution of the human life course: The role of culturally driven plasticity
Francesco Suman
9:Artefacts, symbols, and the socio-cultural dynamics of niche construction
Chris Sinha
10:Evolution of intentional teaching
Peter Gardenfors and Anders Hogberg
11:Intersubjectivity is activity plus accountability
Nick J. Enfield and Jack Sidnell
12:The symbolic revolution: A sexual conflict model
Camilla Power, Ian Watts, and Chris Knight
13:Primate parents: Theories, bias, and change in the study of the evolution of parenting
Maria Botero

PART 3: Symbolic lifeways: Anthropological considerations
14:Art, sign, and representation
Elisabeth V. Culley and Iain Davidson
15:Symbols and material signs in the debate on human origins
Antonis Iliopoulos and Lambros Malafouris
16:Culturing the Paleolithic body: Archaeological signatures of adornment and body modification
April Nowell and Amanda Cooke
17:The evolution of music: The development of sonic representation and meaning
Rupert Till
18:Symbolism and archeoastronomy in prehistory
Fabio Silva, Fernando Pimenta, and Luis Tirapicos
19:Exploring the evolutionary pathways from number sense to numeracy
Roslyn M. Frank

PART 4: Grounding symbolism: Ethological considerations
20:How viruses made us human
Guenther Witzany
21:Animal signals and symbolism
Ulrike Griebel and D. Kimbrough Oller
22:Emotion expression, empathic reception, and prosocial behavior: Are they linked in evolution?
Augusta Gaspar
23:Primate cognition in captivity
David A. Leavens and Kim A. Bard
24:Kanzi or can't he? Animal language projects
Heidi Lyn
25:Artifact, praxis, tool, and symbol
Lana M. Ruck and Natalie T. Uomini

PART 5: From protolanguage to language: Linguistic considerations
26:The narrative origins of language
Francesco Ferretti
27:Pantomimic conceptions of language origins
Slawomir Wacewicz and Przemyslaw Zywiczynski
28:On the structure of early language: Analytic vs holistic language processing and grammaticalization
Tania Kuteva and Bernd Heine
29:Gesture is an intrinsic part of modern-day human communication and may always have been so
Susan Goldin-Meadow
Ulf Liszkowski and Johanna Ruther
31:Reconstructing the origins of language families and variation, Gerd Carling
Chundra Cathcart, and Erich Round

PART 6: Expanding symbolism: Socio-technological considerations
32:The origins of money and its role in modernity
Todd Oakley
33:Force fields of the modern: the symbolic contestation of power
Prem Poddar
34:The evolution of writing systems: An introduction
Alex de Voogt
35:Archewriting: The Symbolic Evolution of Script and Narrative
Rukmini Bhaya Nair
Sverker Johansson and Ylva Lindberg
37:Transcending the rational symbol system: How information and communication technology integrates science, art, philosophy, and spirituality into a global brain
Francis Heylighen
38:1. Technoscience, transhumanism, and telos
Natasha Vita-More
39:Metaphor, myth, and symbol in the grain of time
Chris Sinha
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