Toeplitz Operators and Random Matrices, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Yellow セール開催中!:2025年6月29日(日)ご注文分まで
※上記表示の販売価格は割引適用後の価格です 出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。 In Memory of Harold Widom Series: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 289 Author: Basor Publisher: Springer ISBN: 9783031138508 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2023年01月 DESCRIPTION This volume is dedicated to the memory of Harold Widom (1932-2021), an outstanding mathematician who has enriched mathematics with his ideas and ground breaking work since the 1950s until the present time. It contains a biography of Harold Widom, personal notes written by his former students or colleagues, and also his last, previously unpublished paper on domain walls in a Heisenberg-Ising chain. Widom's most famous contributions were made to Toeplitz operators and random matrices. While his work on random matrices is part of almost all the present-day research activities in this field, his work in Toeplitz operators and matrices was done mainly before 2000 and is therefore described in a contribution devoted to his achievements in just this area. The volume contains 18 invited and refereed research and expository papers on Toeplitz operators and random matrices. These present new results or new perspectives on topics related to Widom's work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Harold Widom’s Life, Work, and Last Paper.- Biography of Harold Widom.- Domain Walls in the Heisenberg-Ising Spin-1/2 Chain.- Harold Widom’s Contributions to the Spectral Theory and Asymptotics of Toeplitz Operators and Matrices.- Visualizations of Two Functions Emerging in Connection with Toeplitz Determinants.- Part II Personal Notes.- A Remarkable Advisor, Mentor, and Friend.- My Encounters with Harold Widom.- Memories of Harold Widom.- Personal Reflection on Harold Widom.- Part III Invited Contributions.- Loops in SU (2) and Factorization, II.- Openness of Regular Regimes of Complex Random Matrix Models.- Focusing Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation with Asymmetric Boundary Conditions: Large-Time Behavior.- Algebras of Commuting Differential Operators for Kernels of Airy Type.- A Random Walk on the Rado Graph.- Widom Factors and Szeg?o-Widom Asymptotics, a Review.- Some Recent Progress on the Stationary Measure for the Open KPZ Equation.- Probability of Two Large Gaps in the Bulk and at the Edge of the Spectrum of Random Matrices.- Multiplicative Properties of Infinite Block Toeplitz and Hankel Matrices.- Toeplitz and Related Operators on Polyanalytic Fock Spaces.- Strong Szeg?o Theorem on a Jordan Curve.- Toeplitz Operators with Non-trivial Kernels and Non-dense Ranges on Weak Hardy Spaces.- Renyi Entropies of the Free Fermi Gas in Multi-Dimensional Space at High Temperature.- Spectral Asymptotics for Toeplitz Matrices Having Certain Piecewise Continuous Symbols.- Global and Local Scaling Limits for Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of Jacobi β-Ensembles.- On the Limit of Some Variable-Coefficient Toeplitz-Like Determinants.- On Diagonalizable Quantum Weighted Hankel Matrices.- On the Product Formula for Toeplitz and Related Operators.