ホーム 特別割引セール!日本地質学会 第131年学術大会
Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection
◆日本地質学会 第131年学術大会 特別割引セール開催中!:2024年10月18日(金)ご注文分まで

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Author: Duarte, Joao C. (Associate Professor, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; Researcher, Instituto Dom Luiz, Lisbon, Portugal)(Editor)
Publisher: Elsevier USA
ISBN: 9780323857338
Date: 2023年02月

Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection, written by specialists in the field, gathers state-of-the-art perspectives on the dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle convection. Plate tectonics is a unifying theory of solid Earth sciences. In its initial form, it was a kinematic theory that described how the planet’s surface is fragmented into several rigid lithospheric plates that move in relation to each other over the less viscous asthenosphere. Plate tectonics soon evolved to describe the forces that drive and resist plate movements. The Earth sciences community is now developing a new perspective that looks at plate tectonics and mantle convection as part of a single system. Why does our planet have plate tectonics, and how does it work? How does mantle convection drive the supercontinent cycle? How have tectono-convective modes evolved over the Earth’s history? How did they shape the planet and impact life? Do other planets have mantle convection and tectonics? These are some of the fascinating questions explored in this book. This book started with a challenge from the editor to the authors to provide perspectives from their vantage point and open the curtain to the endeavors and stories behind the science.

1. Introduction to Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection
Joao C. Duarte
2. The Physics and Origin of Plate Tectonics from Grain to Global Scales
Elvira Mulyukova and David Bercovici
3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection
Jason P. Morgan and Paola Vannucchi
4. Influence of Mantle Rheology on the Formation of Plate Tectonic Style of Mantle Convection
Takashi Nakagawa and Shun-Ichiro Karato
5. Tectonic Strain Rates, Diffuse Oceanic Plate Boundaries, and the Plate Tectonic Approximation
Richard Gordon
6. Tectonics is a Hologram
Nicolas Coltice
7. Internal Planetary Feedbacks, Mantle Dynamics, and Plate Tectonics
Adrian Lenardic and Johnny Seales
8. Tectono-convective Modes on Earth and other Terrestrial Bodies
Paul J. Tackley
9. The Past and the Future of Plate Tectonics and other Tectonic Regimes
Diogo L. Lourenco and Antoine B. Rozel
10. How Mantle Convection Drives the Supercontinent Cycle: Mechanism, Driving Force, and Substantivity
Masaki Yoshida
11. Observations and Models of Dynamic Topography:Current Status and Future Directions
D. R. Davies, S. Ghelichkhan, M. J. Hoggard, A. P. Valentine and F. D. Richards
12. Feedbacks between Internal and External Dynamics
Pietro Sternai
13. Co-Evolution of Life and Plate Tectonics: The Biogeodynamic Perspective on the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Transitions
Robert J. Stern and Taras V. Gerya
14. Subduction Zones: A Short Review
Wouter Schellart
15.An Evolutionary Perspective on Subduction Initiation
Michael Gurnis
16. Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions in Subduction Zones
Magali Billen
17. Mantle Plumes and their Interactions
Bernhard Steinberger and Alisha Steinberger
18. Evolution of Mantle Plumes and Lower Mantle Structure in Numerical Models using Tectonic Reconstructions as Boundary Conditions
Sarah J. MacLeod, R. Dietmar Muller, Rakib Hassan and Simon E. Williams
19. Rifting Continents
Susanne J.H. Buiter, Sascha Brune, Derek Keir and Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic
20. Mid-Ocean Ridges: Geodynamics Written in the Seafloor
Jean-Arthur Olive
21. Roles of Serpentinization in Plate Tectonics and the Evolution of Earth’s Mantle
Jason P. Morgan and Cesar R. Ranero
22. Numerical Modelling of Subduction
Dave May and Matthew Knepley
23. Literate, Reusable, Geodynamic Modelling
Louis Moresi
24. Perspectives On Planetary Tectonics
Doris Breuer
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