When Form Becomes Substance, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Yellow セール開催中!:2025年6月29日(日)ご注文分まで
※上記表示の販売価格は割引適用後の価格です 出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。 形態が物質になるとき Power of Gestures, Diagrammatical Intuition and Phenomenology of Space Author: Boi Publisher: Springer ISBN: 9783030831240 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2022年12月 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 数学やロジックにおけるダイアグラムの利用について実証された歴史的視点を紹介 様々な科学分野でのダイアグラムの利用について概説する 造形芸術や詩において作用する思考経路への理解を深める一冊 This interdisciplinary volume collects contributions from experts in their respective fields with as common theme diagrams.Diagrams play a fundamental role in the mathematical visualization and philosophical analysis of forms in space. Some of the most interesting and profound recent developments in contemporary sciences, whether in topology, geometry, dynamic systems theory, quantum field theory or string theory, have been made possible by the introduction of new types of diagrams, which, in addition to their essential role in the discovery of new classes of spaces and phenomena, have contributed to enriching and clarifying the meaning of the operations, structures and properties that are at the heart of these spaces and phenomena.The volume gives a closer look at the scope and the nature of diagrams as constituents of mathematical and physical thought, their function in contemporary artistic work, and appraise, in particular, the actual importance of the diagrams of knots, of braids, of fields, of interaction, of strings in topology and geometry, in quantum physics and in cosmology, but also in theory of perception, in plastic arts and in philosophy. The editors carefully curated this volume to be an inspiration to students and researchers in philosophy, phenomenology, mathematics and the sciences, as well as artists, musicians and the general interested audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Logic, forms and diagrams.- 02 Geometrical spaces and topological knots, old and new.- 03 Diagrams, Graphs and Representation.- 04 Diagrams, physical forces and paths integrals.- 05 Phenomenology in and of Mathematical Diagrams.- 06 Diagrams, Gestures and Subjectivity.- 07 Diagrams, from Mathematics to Aesthetics.- 08 Poetics and politics of diagrams. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Logic, forms and diagrams.- 02 Geometrical spaces and topological knots, old and new.- 03 Diagrams, Graphs and Representation.- 04 Diagrams, physical forces and paths integrals.- 05 Phenomenology in and of Mathematical Diagrams.- 06 Diagrams, Gestures and Subjectivity.- 07 Diagrams, from Mathematics to Aesthetics.- 08 Poetics and politics of diagrams.