ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education, 1 Ed.
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Author: Addison, Michelle / Breeze, Maddie / Taylor, Yvette(Editor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030865696
Date: 2022年04月

This handbook explores feeling like an ‘imposter’ in higher education and what this can tell us about contemporary educational inequalities. Asking why imposter syndrome matters now, we investigate experiences of imposter syndrome across social locations, institutional positions, and intersecting inequalities. Our collection queries advice to fit-in with the university, and authors reflect on (not)belonging in, with and against educational institutions. The collection advances understandings of imposter syndrome as socially situated, in relation to entrenched inequalities and their recirculation in higher education. Chapters combine creative methods and linger on the figure of the ‘imposter’ - wary of both individualising and celebrating imposters as lucky, misfits, fraudsters, or failures, and critically interrogating the supposed universality of imposter syndrome.

Situating Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education
Maddie Breeze, Michelle Addison, Yvette Taylor

Academic Identities-Locating Academic Imposters
Intersectional Imposter Syndrome: How Imposterism Affects Marginalised Groups
Helen Hewertson, Faith Tissa
‘I Shouldn’t Be Here’: Academics’ Experiences of Embodied (Un)belonging, Gendered Competitiveness, and Inequalities in Precarious English Higher Education
Jessica Wren Butler
Impostor Phenomenon: Its Prevalence Among Academics and the Need for a Diverse and Inclusive Working Environment in British Higher Education
Mioara Cristea, Olugbenga Abraham Babajide
A Stranger’s House
Marcella Polain
Marginalising Imposterism: An Australian Case Study Proposing a Diversity of Tendencies that Frame Academic Identities and Archetypes
Melinda Lewis, Rosanne Quinnell
The Canary in the Coalmine: The Impact of Imposter Syndrome on Students’ Learning Experience at University
Michelle Addison, Nathan Stephens Griffin

Academic Identities-Constructing and Contesting Imposter Subjectivities
I Have not Always Been Who I Am Now: Using Doctoral Research to Understand and Overcome Feelings of Imposterism
Paula Stone
‘Dual Exclusion’ and Constructing a ‘Bridging’ Space: Chinese PhD Students in New Zealand
Yi Huang
Rise with Your Class, not Out of Your Class: Auto-Ethnographic Reflections on Imposter Syndrome and Class Conflict in Higher Education
Chloe Maclean
Skin in the Game: Imposter Syndrome and the Insider Sex Work Researcher
Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith
Zombies, Ghosts and Lucky Survivors: Class Identities and Imposterism in Higher Education
Victoria Mountford-Brown

Imposing Institutions-Imposters Across the Career Course
Sprinting in Glass Slippers: Fairy Tales as Resistance to Imposter Syndrome in Academia
John Hoben, Cecile Badenhorst, Sarah Pickett
Restorying Imposter Syndrome in the Early Career Stage: Reflections, Recognitions and Resistance
Charlotte Morris, Laila Kadiwal, Kathryn Telling, Wendy Ashall, Jill Kirby, Shadreck Mwale
Formalised Peer-Support for Early Career Researchers: Potential for Resistance and Genuine Exchanges
Virginie Theriault, Anna Beck, Stella Mouroutsou, Jakob Billmayer
Getting Stuck, Writing Badly, and Other Curious Impressions: Doctoral Writing and Imposter Feelings
Brittany Amell
Surviving and Thriving: Doing a Doctorate as a Way of Healing Imposter Syndrome
Margaret J. Robertson
Feeling “Stupid”: Considering the Affective in Women Doctoral Students’ Experiences of Imposter ‘Syndrome’
Rachel Handforth
Teaching as Imposter in Higher Education: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Australian University Website Homepages
Helen Flavell
The Sociologist’s Apprentice: An Islander Reflects on Their Academic Training
Karl Johnson

Imposing Institutions-Belonging in the Neoliberal University
‘“Whose Shoes Are You in?” Negotiating Imposterism Inside Academia and in Feminist Spaces’
Samuele Grassi
‘Praise of the Margins: Re-thinking Minority Practices in the Academic Milieu’
Rachele Borghi
Working with/against Imposter Syndrome: Research Educators’ Reflections
James Burford, Jeanette Fyffe, Tseen Khoo
Embodied Hauntings: A Collaborative Autoethnography Exploring How Continual Academic Reviews Increase the Experience and Consequences of Imposter Syndrome in the Neoliberal University
Esther Fitzpatrick, Paul Heyward
Performing Impact in Research: A Dramaturgical Reflection on Knowledge Brokers in Academia
Peter Van Der Graaf
Being a Scarecrow in Oz: Neoliberalism, Higher Education and the dynamics of ‘Imposterism’
Hazel Work
Young Dean in a Tanzanian University: Transgressing Imposterism Through Dialogical Autoethnography
Joel Jonathan Kayombo, Lauren Ila Misiaszek

Putting Imposter Feelings to Work-Imposter Agency
It’s NOT Luck: Mature-Aged Female Students Negotiating Misogyny and the ‘imposter Syndrome’ in Higher Education
Genine Hook
1001 Small Victories: Deaf Academics and Imposter Syndrome
M. Chua, Maartje De Meulder, Leah Geer, Jonathan Henner, Lynn Hou, Okan Kubus et al.
UnBecoming of Academia: Reflexively Resisting Imposterism Through Poetic Praxis as Black Women in UK Higher Education Institutions
Jaleesa Renee Wells, Francesca Sobande
The Perfect Imposter Storm: From Knowing Something to Knowing Nothing
Tamara Leary

Putting Imposter Feelings to Work-Ambivalence and Academic Activism
Shaking off the Imposter Syndrome: Our Place in the Resistance
Michele Jarldorn, Kathomi Gatwiri
Putting the Imp into Imposter Syndrome
Peta Murray, Brigid Magner
The Flawed Fairy-tale: A Feminist Narrative Account of the Challenges and Opportunities That Result from the Imposter Syndrome
Sharon Mallon
Becoming and Unbecoming an Academic: A Performative Autoethnography of Struggles Against Imposter Syndrome and Masculinist Culture from Early to Mid-Career in the Neoliberal University
Karen Lumsden
Haunting Imposterism
Anjana Raghavan, Matthew Hurley
Imposter Agony Aunts: Ambivalent Feminist Advice
Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor, Michelle Addison
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