Solid State Physics, 3rd Edition
こちらのタイトルの電子書籍版(Wiley Digital Textbooks)はコレクションセール対象商品です。 お見積り致しますので、ぜひお問い合わせください。 出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。 An Introduction Author: Hofmann, Philip (Institute for Storage Ring Facilities, University of Aarhus, Denmark) Publisher: VCH ISBN: 9783527414109 Cover: PAPERBACK Date: 2022年07月 DESCRIPTION Enables readers to easily understand the basics of solid state physics Solid State Physics is a successful short textbook that gives a clear and concise introduction to its subject. The presentation is suitable for students who are exposed to this topic for the first time. Each chapter starts with basic principles and gently progresses to more advanced concepts, using easy-to-follow explanations and keeping mathematical formalism to a minimum. This new edition is thoroughly revised, with easier-to-understand descriptions of metallic and covalent bonding, a straightforward proof of Bloch's theorem, a simpler approach to the nearly free electron model, and enhanced pedagogical features, such as more than 100 discussion questions, 70 problems--including problems to train the students’ skills to find computational solutions--and multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter, with solutions in the book for self-training. Solid State Physics introduces the readers to: Crystal structures and underlying bonding mechanisms The mechanical and vibrational properties of solids Electronic properties in both a classical and a quantum mechanical picture, with a treatment of the electronic phenomena in metals, semiconductors and insulators More advanced subjects, such as magnetism, superconductivity and phenomena emerging for nano-scaled solids For bachelor’s students in physics, materials sciences, engineering sciences, and chemistry, Solid State Physics serves as an introductory textbook, with many helpful supplementary learning resources included throughout the text and available online, to aid in reader comprehension. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface CRYSTAL STRUCTURES General Description of Crystal Structures Some Important Crystal Structures Crystal Structure Determination Further Reading Discussion and Problems BONDING IN SOLIDS Attractive and Repulsive Forces Ionic Bonding Covalent Bonding Metallic Bonding Hdrogen Bonding van der Waals Bonding Further Reading Discussion and Problems MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Elastic Deformation Plastic Deformation Fracture Further Reading Discussion and Problems THERMAL PROPERTIES OF THE LATTICE Lattice Vibrations Heat Capacity of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion Allotropic Phase Transitions and Melting Further Reading Discussion and Problems ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF METALS: CLASSICAL APPROACH Basic Assumptions of the Drude Model Results from the Drude Model Shortcomings of the Drude Model Further Reading Discussion and Problems ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS: QUANTUM MECHANICAL APPROACH The Idea of Energy Bands Free Electron Model The General Form of the Electronic States Nearly Free Electron Model Tight-Binding Model Energy Bands in Real Solids Transport Properties Brief Review of Some Key Ideas Further Reading Discussion and Problems SEMICONDUCTORS Intrinsic Semiconductors Doped Semiconductors Conductivity and Semiconductors Semiconductor Devices Further Reading Discussion and Problems MAGNETISM Macroscopic Description Quantum Mechaical Description of Magnetism Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism in Atoms Weak Magnetism in Solids Magnetic Ordering Further Reading Discussion and Problems DIELECTRICS Macroscopic Description Microscopic Polarization The Local Field Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Constant Other Effects Further Reading Discussion and Problems SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Basic Experimental Facts Some Theoretical Aspects Experimental Detection of the Gap Coherence of the Superconducting State Type I and Type II Superconductors High-Temperature Superconductivity Concluding Remarks Further Reading Discusson and Problems FINITE SOLIDS AND NANOSTRUCTURES Quantum Confinement Surfaces and Interfaces Magnetism on the Nanoscale Further Reading Discussion and Problems APPENDIX Explicit Forms of Vector Operations Differential Form of the Maxwell Equations Maxwell Equations in Matter TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Crystal Structures 2 Bonding in Solids 3 Mechanical Properties 4 Thermal Properties of the Lattice 5 Electronic Properties of Metals: Classical Approach 6 Electronic Properties of Solids: Quantum Mechanical Approach 7 Semiconductors 8 Magnetism 9 Dielectrics 10 Superconductivity 11 Finite Solids and Nanostructures