ホーム 特別割引セール!日本地質学会 第131年学術大会
Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook - Volume 1
◆日本地質学会 第131年学術大会 特別割引セール開催中!:2024年10月18日(金)ご注文分まで

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Series: Springer Geology Field Guides
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030601423
Date: 2021年03月

This book helps a novice to explore the terrain independently. Geoscience fieldwork with a focus on structural geology and tectonics has become more important in the last few years from both academic and industrial perspectives. This book also works as a resource material for batches of students or geological survey professional undergoing training as parts of their course curriculum. Industry persons, on the other hand, can get a first-hand idea about what to expect in the field, in case no academic person is available with the team. This book focused on structural geology and tectonics compiles for the very first time terrains from several regions of the globe.

Table of contents

Creating Geologic Maps in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study from Western Ireland
Swanger, W. R. (et al.)

Strain Softening in a Continental Shear Zone: A Field Guide to the Excursion in the Ferriere-Mollieres Shear Zone (Argentera Massif, Western Alps, Italy)
Simonetti, M. (et al.)

The Geometry and Kinematics of the Southwestern Termination of the Pyrenees: A Field Guide to the Santo Domingo Anticline
Pueyo, E. L. (et al.)

Miocene-Quaternary Strain Partitioning and Relief Segmentation Along the Arcuate Betic Fold-and-Thrust Belt: A Field Trip Along the Western Gibraltar Arc Northern Branch (Southern Spain)
Jimenez-Bonilla, Alejandro (et al.)

The Southern Iberian Shear Zone (SW Spain): Inclined Transpression Related to Variscan Oblique Convergence in a HT/LP Metamorphic Belt
Diaz-Azpiroz, Manuel (et al.)

A Field Guide to the Spectacular Salt Mines of the Transylvanian Basin and Romanian Carpathians
Tamas, Dan Mircea (et al.)

Spectacular Sandstone Rock Cities in the Czech Republic
Novakova, Lucie (et al.)

Field Guide to RODS in the Pireneus Syntaxis, Central Brazil
Martins-Ferreira, Marco Antonio Cacador (et al.)

Low Baric Metamorphic Belts in the Northern Tip of the Arabian-Nubian Shield: Selected Examples from the Eastern Desert/Midyan Terranes, Egypt
Shallaly, N. A. (et al.)

Review of the Geometric Model Parameters of the Main Himalayan Thrust
Ansari, Kutubuddin

Traverses Through the Bagalkot Group from North Karnataka State, India: Deformation in the Mesoproterozoic Supracrustal Kaladgi Basin
Patil Pillai, Shilpa (et al.)

Tectonic Framework of Northern Pakistan from Himalaya to Karakoram
Ali, Asghar (et al.)

Structures of Lesser/Greater Himalaya in and Around an Out-of-Sequence Thrust in the Chaura-Sarahan Area (Himachal Pradesh, India)
Ghosh, Rajkumar (et al.)

Structural Geology Along the Nainital-Pangot Road (Kilbari Section), Nainital Lesser Himalaya (Uttarakhand, India): Focus on Back-Structures
Puniya, Mohit Kumar (et al.)

Geology, Structural, Metamorphic and Mineralization Studies Along the Mandi-Kullu-Manali-Rohtang Section of Himachal Pradesh, NW-India
Singh, Paramjeet (et al.)

Tectonics and Channel Morpho-Hydrology-A Quantitative Discussion Based on Secondary Data and Field Investigation
Biswas, Mery (et al.)

Geological Field Guide: Malvan (Maharashtra, India)
Pundalik, Ashwin (et al.)

A Field Guide to the Champaner Region, Southern Aravalli Mountain Belt (SAMB), Gujarat, Western India
Joshi, Aditya U. (et al.)

Importance of Fracturing in Uranium Mineralization in Gulcheru Quartzite Host: A Case from Ambakapalle Area, Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India
Goswami, Sukanta (et al.)

Granitic Rocks Underlying Deccan Trap Along the Margin of East Dharwar Craton, Mutnyal (Maharashtra)-Bhaisa (Telangana), India-General Description and Deformation
Kaplay, R. D. (et al.)

Structural Analyses of the Lunavada-Santrampur Area (Gujarat, India) Using Remote Sensing Images
Chauhan, Geetika H. (et al.)

Fundamentals of Lithostructural Mapping: Example from the SW Part of the Proterozoic Bhima Basin, Karnataka, India: A Note on Dharwarian Crustal Evolution
Goswami, Sukanta (et al.)

A 3D Photogrammetric Approach in Mapping Meso-Scale Folds and Shears in Structurally Controlled Syngenetic Mn-Mineralised Zones of Shivrajpur Region, Eastern Gujarat, India
Joshi, Aditya U.

Vein Geometry Around Bhuj (Gujarat, India)
Omid, Mohammad Walid (et al.)

Oriented Rock Samples for Detailed Structural Analysis
Gaidzik, Krzysztof (et al.)

Chapter 1 - Creating Geologic Maps in the 21st Century: A Case Study from Western Ireland (Swanger, W.R. and Whitmeyer, S. J).- Chapter 2 - Strain softentening in a continental shear zone:a field guide to the excursion in the Ferriere-Mollie?res Shear Zone (Argentera Massif, Western Alps, Italy) (Simonetti M, Carosi R. , Montomoli C).- Chapter 3 - The geometry and kinematics of the Southwestern termination of the Pyrenees; A field guide to the Santo Domingo anticline (Pueyo, E. L., Oliva-Urcia, B., Sa?nchez-Moreno, E.M., Arenas, C., Silva-Casal, R., Calvi?n, P., Santolaria, P., Garci?a-Lasanta, C., Oliva?n, C., Gil-Imaz, A., Compaired, F., Casas, A.M., Pocovi?, A.).- Chapter 4 - Miocene-Quaternary strain partitioning and relief segmentation along the arcuateBetic fold-and-thrust belt: a field trip along the Western Gibraltar Arc northern branch (southern Spain) (Alejandro Jime?nez-Bonilla, Manuel Di?az-Azpiroz, Inmaculada Expo?sito, Juan Carlos Balanya?).- Chapter 5 - The Southern Iberian Shear Zone (SW Spain): inclined transpression related to Variscan oblique convergence in a HT/LP metamorphic belt (Manuel Di?az-Azpiroz, Carlos Ferna?ndez).- Chapter 6 - A Field Guide to the Spectacular Salt Mines of the Transylvanian Basin and Romanian Carpathians (Dan Mircea Ta?mas?, Alexandra Ta?mas?, Alexander Magnus Ju?stel, Martijn Passchier, Nils Chudalla, Lina Gotzen, Luis Alberto Pizano Wagner, Teodora Tas?cu-Stavre, ZsoltSchle?der, Csaba Kre?zsek,Sorin Filipescu, Janos L. Urai).- Chapter 7 - Spectacular sandstone rock cities in the Czech Republic (Lucie Novakova, Petr Novak).- Chapter 8 - Field guide to RODS in the Pireneus Syntaxis, central Brazil (Marco Antonio Cac?ador Martins-Ferreira, Se?rgio Wilians de Oliveira Rodrigues).- Chapter 9 - Low baric metamorphic belts in the northern tip of the Arabian Nubian Shield: selected examples from the Eastern Desert/Midyan terranes, Egypt (N. A, Shallaly , A.S.A.A. Abu Sharib).- Chapter 10 - Review of the Geometric Model Parameters of the Main Himalayan Thrust (Kutubuddin Ansari).- Chapter 11 - Traverses through the Bagalkot Group from north Karnataka state, India: deformation in the Mesoproterozoic supracrustal Kaladgi Basin (Shilpa Patil Pillai and Vivek S. Kale).- Chapter 12 - Tectonic Framework of Northern Pakistan from Himalaya to Karakoram (Asghar Ali, Sajjad Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmad, Mohammad Asif Khan, Muhammad Irfan Khan, Gohar Rehman).- Chapter 13 - Structures of Lesser/Greater Himalaya in and around an out-of-sequence thrust in the Chaura-Sarahan area (Himachal Pradesh, India) (Rajkumar Ghosh, Soumyajit Mukherjee).- Chapter 14 - Structural geology along the Nainital-Pangot road (Kilbari section), Nainital Lesser Himalaya (Uttarakhand, India): Focus on back-structures (Mohit Kumar Puniya, Soumyajit Mukherjee).- Chapter 15 - Geology, Structural, Metamorphic and Mineralization studies along the Mandi-Kullu-Manali-Rohtang section of Himachal Pradesh, NW-India (Paramjeet Singh, AlibaAo, S. S. Thakur, Shruti Rana, R. Sharma, A.K. Singh, S. Singhal).- Chapter 16 - Tectonicsand channelmorpho-hydrology-Aquantitative discussionbased on secondary data and fieldinvestigation (Mery Biswas, Ankita Paul, Mostafa Jamal).- Chapter 17 - Geological field guide: Malvan (Maharashtra, India) (Ashwin Pundalik, Shiba Nikalje, Arnav Samant, Hrishikesh Samant).- Chapter 18 - A field guide to the Champaner Region, Southern Aravalli Mountain Belt (SAMB), Gujarat, Western-India (Aditya U. Joshi and Manoj A. Limaye).- Chapter 19 - Importance of fracturing in uranium mineralization in Gulcheru Quartzite host: A case from Ambakapalle area, Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India (Sukanta Goswami, P. K. Upadhyay, V. Natarajan).- Chapter 20 - Granitic rocks underlying Deccan trap along the margin of east Dharwar craton, Muntyal (Maharashtra) - Bhaisa (Telengana), India - general description and deformation (R.D. Kaplay, Md. Babar, Soumyajit Mukherjee, Deepak Wable, Kunal Pisal).- Chapter 21 - Structural analyses of the Lunavada-Santrampur area (Gujarat, India) using remote sensing images (Geetika H. Chauhan, G.S. Rao, Soumyajit Mukherjee).- Chapter 22 - Fundamentals of litho-structural mapping: example from the SW part of the Proterozoic Bhima basin, Karnataka, India: A note on Dharwarian Crustal evolution (Sukanta Goswami, Shivam Shrivastava, Suman Das and Purnajit Bhattacharjee).- Chapter 23 - A 3D photogrammetric approach in mapping meso-scale folds and shears in structurally controlled syngenetic Mn-mineralized zones of Shivrajpur region, Eastern Gujarat, India (Aditya U. Joshi).- Chapter 24 - Vein geometry around Bhuj (Gujarat, India) (Mohammad Walid Omid, Soumyajit Mukherjee, Sudipta Dasgupta).
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