Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers
こちらのタイトルの電子書籍版(Wiley Digital Textbooks)はコレクションセール対象商品です。 お見積り致しますので、ぜひお問い合わせください。 出版済み 3-5週間でお届けいたします。 Author: Zolotoyabko, Emil (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel) Publisher: VCH ISBN: 9783527348848 Cover: PAPERBACK Date: 2021年04月 DESCRIPTION A concise, accessible, and up-to-date introduction to solid state physics Solid state physics is the foundation of many of today’s technologies, including transistors, LEDs, optoelectronics, and communications. Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers offers a guide to basic concepts and provides an accessible framework for understanding this highly application-relevant subject for materials engineers. The text links the fundamentals of modern materials, such as graphene and photonic materials, and of applications, such as high-temperature superconductors and MOSFETs. Written by a noted expert and experienced instructor, the book contains numerous worked examples throughout to help the reader gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and information presented. The text covers a wide range of relevant topics, including electron waves in crystals, electrical conductivity in semiconductors, light interaction with metals and dielectrics, light interaction with semiconductors, cooperative phenomena in electron systems, cooperative phenomena in electron systems, ferroelectricity as a cooperative phenomenon, and more. This important book: * Provides a big picture view of solid state physics * Contains examples of basic concepts and applications * Offers a highly accessible text that fosters real understanding * Presents a wealth of helpful worked examples Written for students of materials science, engineering, and physics, Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers is an important guide to help foster an understanding of solid state physics. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Impact of Translational Symmetry in Crystals on Solid State Physics 2. Electron Waves in Crystals 3. Elastic Wave Propagation, Phonons and Thermal Properties of Crystals 4. Electrical Conductivity in Metals 5. Electron Contribution to Thermal Properties of Crystals 6. Electrical Conductivity in Semiconductors 7. Work Function and Related Phenomena 8. Light Interaction with Metals 9. Light Interaction with Semiconductors 10. Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems: Superconductivity 11. Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems: Ferromagnetism 12. Ferroelectricity as a Cooperative Phenomenon 13. Other Examples of Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 General Impact of Translational Symmetry in Crystals on Solid State Physics 2 Electron Waves in Crystals 3 Elastic Wave Propagation in Periodic Media, Phonons, and Thermal Properties of Crystals 4 Electrical Conductivity in Metals 5 Electron Contribution to Thermal Properties of Crystals 6 Electrical Conductivity in Semiconductors 7 Work Function and Related Phenomena 8 Light Interaction with Metals and Dielectrics 9 Light Interaction with Semiconductors 10 Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems: Superconductivity 11 Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems: Ferromagnetism 12 Ferroelectricity as a Cooperative Phenomenon 13 Other Examples of Cooperative Phenomena in Electron Systems