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Quantum Theory of Transport Properties of Single Molecules
◆Taylor & Francis セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで

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Author: Asai, Yoshihiro / Burkle, Marius E.
Publisher: Jenny Stanford
ISBN: 9789814267311
Date: 2024年11月

The quantum transport theory, which dates back to the time of the Landauer theory in the field of mesoscopic physics, is now expanding its power on materials science and chemistry by earning chemical accuracy and physical reality and has become a new subject of non-equilibrium quantum transport theory for charge and heat at nanoscale. This growing subject invites cross-disciplinary developments, for example, the local heating theory developed earlier was examined and applied to the self-heating problem in the field of semiconductor- and nanoelectronic-device physics. This book compiles 25 key published papers to provide readers with convenient and comprehensive access to the important results and developments in the field. The book will appeal to a wide range of readers from varied backgrounds, especially those involved in charge- and/or heat-transport problems that widely spread over various subjects in materials science, chemistry, electric engineering, and condensed matter physics.

1. Theory of Length-Dependent Conductance in One-Dimensional Chains
Yoshihiro Asai and Hidetoshi Fukuyama

2. Long-Range Electron Transport of Ruthenium-Centered Multilayer Films via a Stepping-Stone Mechanism
Kei-ichi Terada, Hisao Nakamura, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Masa-aki Haga, Yoshihiro Asai, and Takao Ishida

3. The Orbital Selection Rule for Molecular Conductance as Manifested in Tetraphenyl-Based Molecular Junctions
Marius Bu?rkle, Limin Xiang, Guangfeng Li, Ali Rostamian, Thomas Hines, Shaoyin Guo, Gang Zhou, Nongjian Tao, and Yoshihiro Asai

4. Gate Controlling of Quantum Interference and Direct Observation of Anti-resonances in Single Molecule Charge Transport
Yueqi Li, Marius Bu?rkle, Guangfeng Li, Ali Rostamian, Hui Wang, Zixiao Wang, David R. Bowler, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Limin Xiang, Yoshihiro Asai, Gang Zhou, and Nongjian Tao

5. Switch of Conducting Orbital by Bias-Induced Electronic Contact Asymmetry in a Bipyrimidinyl-biphenyl Diblock Molecule: Mechanism to Achieve a pn Directional Molecular Diode
Hisao Nakamura, Yoshihiro Asai, Joshua Hihath, Christopher Bruot, and Nongjian Tao

6. Controlling Formation of Single-Molecule Junctions by Electrochemical Reduction of Diazonium Terminal Groups
Thomas Hines, Ismael Diez-Perez, Hisao Nakamura, Tomomi Shimazaki, Yoshihiro Asai, and Nongjian Tao

7. Toward Multiple Conductance Pathways with Heterocycle-Based Oligo(phenyleneethynylene) Derivatives
Delia Miguel, Luis Alvarez de Cienfueeos, Ana Martin-Lasanta, Sara P. Morrillo, Linda A. Zotti, Edmund Leary, Marius Bu?rkle, Yoshihiro Asai, Rocio Jurado, Diego J. Cardenas, Gabino Rubio-Bollinger, Nicolas Agrait, Juan M. Cuerva, and M. Teresa Gonzalez

8. Theory of Inelastic Electric Current through Single Molecules
Yoshihiro Asai

9. Theoretical Study of the Lineshape of Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
Tomomi Shimazaki and Yoshihiro Asai

10. Inelastic Transport and Low-Bias Rectification in a Single-Molecule Diode
Joshua Hihath, Christopher Bruot, Hisao Nakamura, Yoshihiro Asai, Ismael Diez-Perez, Youngu Lee, Luping Yu, and Nongjian Tao

11. Nonequilibrium Phonon Effects on Transport Properties through Atomic and Molecular Bridge Junctions
Yoshihiro Asai

12. Theory of Local Heating in Single Molecular Bridge Junctions
Yoshihiro Asai

13. Vibronic Spectroscopy Using Current Noise
Yoshihiro Asai

14. Universal Temperature Crossover Behavior of Electrical Conductance in a Single Oligothiophene Molecular Wire
See Kei Lee, Ryo Yamada, Shoji Tanaka, Gap Soo Chang, Yoshihiro Asai, and Hirokazu Tada

15. Theory of Electric Conductance of DNA Molecule
Yoshihiro Asai

16. First-Principles Calculation of the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit for [2,2]Paracyclophane-Based Single-Molecule Junctions
Marius Burkle, Thomas J. Hellmuth, Fabian Pauly, and Yoshihiro Asa

17. Thermal Conductance of Teflon and Polyethylene: Insight from an Atomistic, Single-Molecule Level
Marius Burkle and Yoshihiro Asai

18. How to Probe the Limits of the Wiedemann-Franz Law at Nanoscale
Marius Burkle and Yoshihiro Asai

19. Thermoelectricity at the Molecular Scale: A Large Seebeck Effect in Endohedral Metallofullerenes
See Kei Lee, Marius Burkle, Ryo Yamada, Yoshihiro Asai, and Hirokazu Tada

20. Thermoelectric Efficiency of Organometallic Complex Wires via Quantum Resonance Effect and Long-Range Electric Transport Property
Hisao Nakamura, Tatsuhiko Ohto, Takao Ishida, and Yoshihiro Asai

21. Heat Dissipation and Its Relation to Thermopower in Single-Molecule Junctions
L. A. Zotti, M. Burkle, F. Pauly, W. Lee, K. Kim, W. Jeong, Y. Asai, P. Reddy, and J. C. Cuevas

22. Thermoelectric Effect and Its Dependence on Molecular Length and Sequence in Single DNA Molecules
Yueqi Li, Limin Xiang, Julio L. Palma, Yoshihiro Asai, and Nongjian Tao

23. The Effect of a Ta Oxygen Scavenger Layer on HfO2-Based Resistive Switching Behavior: Thermodynamic Stability, Electronic Structure, and Low-Bias Transport
Xiaoliang Zhong, Ivan Rungger, Peter Zapol, Hisao Nakamura, Yoshihiro Asai, and Olle Heinone

24. Competitive Effects of Oxygen Vacancy Formation and Interfacial Oxidation on an Ultra-Thin HfO2-Based Resistive Switching Memory: Beyond Filament and Charge Hopping Models
Hisao Nakamura and Yoshihiro Asai

25. Resistive Switching Mechanism of GeTe-Sb2Te3 Interfacial Phase Change Memory and Topological Properties of Embedded Two-Dimensional States
Hisao Nakamura, Ivan Rungger, Stefano Sanvito, Nobuki Inoue, Junji Tominaga, and Yoshihiro Asai
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