Surface Science Tools for Nanomaterials Characterization
◆Springer Handbooks セール開催中!:2025年4月27日(日)ご注文分まで
※上記表示の販売価格は割引適用後の価格です 出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。 1st ed. 2015 Author: Kumar, Challa S.S.R.(Editor) Publisher: Springer ISBN: 9783662445501 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2015年03月 DESCRIPTION 全40巻からなるナノサイエンス、ナノテクノロジーのシリーズ第4巻。編者は著明な科学者Challa S.S.R. Kumar。ナノマテリアルの特徴を明らかにするための表面科学ツールの概要書。最新の応用例および技術を網羅した、研究者必携の書。 Fourth volume of a 40volume series on nano science and nanotechnology, edited by the renowned scientist Challa S.S.R. Kumar. This handbook gives a comprehensive overview about Surface Science Tools for Nanomaterials Characterization. Modern applications and state-of-the-art techniques are covered and make this volume an essential reading for research scientists in academia and industry. Fourth volume of a 40volume series on nano science and nanotechnology, edited by the renowned scientist Challa S.S.R. Kumar. This handbook gives a comprehensive overview about Surface Science Tools for Nanomaterials Characterization. Modern applications and state-of-the-art techniques are covered and make this volume an essential reading for research scientists in academia and industry. TABLE OF CONTENTS Scanning Electrochemical Potential Microscopy (SECPM) and Electrochemical STM (EC-STM) Max Herpich, Jochen Friedl, Ulrich Stimming Recovering Time-Resolved Imaging Forces in Solution by Scanning Probe Acceleration Microscopy: Theory and Application Maxmore Chaibva, Nicole Shamitko-Klingensmith, Justin Legleiter Scanning Probe Microscopy for Nanolithography C. B. Samantaray Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Da Luo, Hao Sun, Yan Li Field Ion Microscopy for the Characterization of Scanning Probes William Paul, Peter Grutter Scanning Conductive Torsion Mode Microscopy Ling Sun, Elmar Bonaccurso Field Ion and Field Desorption Microscopy: Principles and Applications Yuri Suchorski Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy for Atomic-Scale Characterization of Material Surfaces Mehmet Z. Baykara Applications of Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in the Characterization of Nanomaterials W. H. Doh, V. Papaefthimiou, S. Zafeiratos Exploration into the Valence Band Structures of Organic Semiconductors by Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Yasuo Nakayama, Hisao Ishii Band Bending at Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces, Ferroelectric Surfaces and Metal-Ferroelectric Interfaces Investigated by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Nicoleta Georgiana Apostol, Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu Higher Resolution Scanning Probe Methods for Magnetic Imaging S. N. Piramanayagam, Binni Varghese Imaging and Characterization of Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures Using Force Microscopy Stephan Block Combining Micromanipulation, Kerr Magnetometry and Magnetic Force Microscopy for Characterization of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Nanostructures Amalio Fernandez-Pacheco, Russell P. Cowburn, Luis E. Serrano-Ramon, M. Ricardo Ibarra, Jose M. De Teresa High Resolution STM Imaging Alexander N. Chaika Numerical and Finite Element Simulations of Nanotips for FIM/FEM Moh’d Rezeq, Ahmed E. Ali, Dirar Homouz