Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory
◆Springer Yellow セール開催中!:2025年6月29日(日)ご注文分まで
※上記表示の販売価格は割引適用後の価格です 出版済み 3週間でお届けいたします。 1st ed. 2017 Author: Boeckle, Gebhard / Decker, Wolfram / Malle, Gunter(Editor) Publisher: Springer ISBN: 9783319705651 Cover: HARDCOVER Date: 2018年03月 DESCRIPTION This book presents state-of-the-art research and survey articles that highlight work done within the Priority Program SPP 1489 “Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory”, which was established and generously supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2010 to 2016. The goal of the program was to substantially advance algorithmic and experimental methods in the aforementioned disciplines, to combine the different methods where necessary, and to apply them to central questions in theory and practice. Of particular concern was the further development of freely available open source computer algebra systems and their interaction in order to create powerful new computational tools that transcend the boundaries of the individual disciplines involved. The book covers a broad range of topics addressing the design and theoretical foundations, implementation and the successful application of algebraic algorithms in order to solve mathematical research problems. It offers a valuable resource for all researchers, from graduate students through established experts, who are interested in the computational aspects of algebra, geometry, and/or number theory. TABLE OF CONTENTS Algorithmic Aspects of Units in Group Rings Andreas Bachle, Wolfgang Kimmerle, Leo Margolis A Constructive Approach to the Module of Twisted Global Sections on Relative Projective Spaces Mohamed Barakat, Markus Lange-Hegermann Local to Global Algorithms for the Gorenstein Adjoint Ideal of a Curve Janko Bohm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister Picard Curves with Small Conductor Michel Borner, Irene I. Bouw, Stefan Wewers Normaliz 2013-2016 Winfried Bruns, Richard Sieg, Christof Soger Integral Frobenius for Abelian Varieties with Real Multiplication Tommaso Giorgio Centeleghe, Christian Theisen Monodromy of the Multiplicative and the Additive Convolution Michael Dettweiler, Mirjam Jollenbeck Constructing Groups of ‘Small’ Order: Recent Results and Open Problems Bettina Eick, Max Horn, Alexander Hulpke Classifying Nilpotent Associative Algebras: Small Coclass and Finite Fields Bettina Eick, Tobias Moede Desingularization of Arithmetic Surfaces: Algorithmic Aspects Anne Fruhbis-Kruger, Stefan Wewers Moduli Spaces of Curves in Tropical Varieties Andreas Gathmann, Dennis Ochse Tropical Moduli Spaces of Stable Maps to a Curve Andreas Gathmann, Hannah Markwig, Dennis Ochse Invariant Bilinear Forms on W-Graph Representations and Linear Algebra Over Integral Domains Meinolf Geck, Jurgen Muller Tropical Computations in polymake Simon Hampe, Michael Joswig Focal Schemes to Families of Secant Spaces to Canonical Curves Michael Hoff Inductive and Recursive Freeness of Localizations of Multiarrangements Torsten Hoge, Gerhard Rohrle, Anne Schauenburg Toric Ext and Tor in polymake and Singular: The Two-Dimensional Case and Beyond Lars Kastner The Differential Dimension Polynomial for Characterizable Differential Ideals Markus Lange-Hegermann Factorization of -Homogeneous Polynomials in the First q-Weyl Algebra Albert Heinle, Viktor Levandovskyy Complexity of Membership Problems of Different Types of Polynomial Ideals Ernst W. Mayr, Stefan Toman Localizations of Inductively Factored Arrangements Tilman Moller, Gerhard Rohrle One Class Genera of Lattice Chains Over Number Fields Markus Kirschmer, Gabriele Nebe polyDB: A Database for Polytopes and Related Objects Andreas Paffenholz Construction of Neron Desingularization for Two Dimensional Rings Gerhard Pfister, Dorin Popescu A Framework for Computing Zeta Functions of Groups, Algebras, and Modules Tobias Rossmann On Decomposition Numbers of Diagram Algebras Armin Shalile Koblitz’s Conjecture for Abelian Varieties Ute Spreckels, Andreas Stein Chabauty Without the Mordell-Weil Group Michael Stoll An Explicit Theory of Heights for Hyperelliptic Jacobians of Genus Three Michael Stoll Some Recent Developments in Spectrahedral Computation Thorsten Theobald Topics on Modular Galois Representations Modulo Prime Powers Panagiotis Tsaknias, Gabor Wiese 最近チェックした商品