Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity
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Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 9781119159872
Date: 2018年04月

Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity: A comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis for students and researchers

Mountains are topographically complex formations that play a fundamental role in regional and continental-scale climates. They are also cradles to all major river systems and home to unique, and often highly biodiverse and threatened, ecosystems. But how do all these processes tie together to form the patterns of diversity we see today?

Written by leading researchers in the fields of geology, biology, climate, and geography, this book explores the relationship between mountain building and climate change, and how these processes shape biodiversity through time and space.

* In the first two sections, you will learn about the processes, theory, and methods connecting mountain building and biodiversity
* In the third section, you will read compelling examples from around the world exploring the links between mountains, climate and biodiversity
* Throughout the 31 peer-reviewed chapters, a non-technical style and synthetic illustrations make this book accessible to a wide audience
* A comprehensive glossary summarises the main concepts and terminology

Readership: Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity is intended for students and researchers in geosciences, biology and geography. It is specifically compiled for those who are interested in historical biogeography, biodiversity and conservation.

List of Contributors xi

Acknowledgments xvii

Foreword by Peter Raven xix

Biography of Editors xxiii

Glossary xxv

About the Companion Website xxxv

1 Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity: An Introduction 1
Carina Hoorn, Allison Perrigo and Alexandre Antonelli

Part I Mountains, Relief and Climate 15

2 Simple Concepts Underlying the Structure, Support and Growth of Mountain Ranges, High Plateaus and Other High Terrain 17
Peter Molnar

3 An Overview of Dynamic Topography: The Influence of Mantle Circulation on Surface Topography and Landscape 37
Caroline M. Eakin and Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni

4 Mountain Relief, Climate and Surface Processes 51
Peter van der Beek

5 Dating Mountain Building: Exhumation and Surface Uplift 69
Matthias Bernet, Veronica Torres Acosta and Mauricio A. Bermudez

6 Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Paleotopography as a Key Element in the Evolution of Landscapes and Life 81
Andreas Mulch and C. Page Chamberlain

7 Phytopaleoaltimetry: Using Plant Fossils to Measure Past Land Surface Elevation 95
Robert A. Spicer

8 Cenozoic Mountain Building and Climate Evolution 111
Phoebe G. Aron and Christopher J. Poulsen

9 Paleoclimate 123
Hemmo A. Abels and Martin Ziegler

Part II When Biology Meets Mountain Building 135

10 Mountain Geodiversity: Characteristics, Values and Climate Change 137
John E. Gordon

11 Geodiversity Mapping in Alpine Areas 155
Arie C. Seijmonsbergen, Matheus G.G. De Jong, Babs Hagendoorn, Johannes G.B. Oostermeijer and Kenneth F. Rijsdijk

12 Historical Connectivity and Mountain Biodiversity 171
Suzette G.A. Flantua and Henry Hooghiemstra

13 The Environmental Heterogeneity of Mountains at a Fine Scale in a Changing World 187
Andres J. Cortes and Julia A. Wheeler

14 Mountains, Climate and Mammals 201
Catherine Badgley, Tara M. Smiley and Rachel Cable

15 Inferring Macroevolutionary Dynamics in Mountain Systems from Fossils 217
Daniele Silvestro and Jan Schnitzler

16 The Interplay between Geological History and Ecology in Mountains 231
Catherine H. Graham, Mauricio Parra, Andres Mora and Camilo Higuera

17 Mountains and the Diversity of Birds 245
Jon Fjeldsa

18 Teasing Apart Mountain Uplift, Climate Change and Biotic Drivers of Species Diversification 257
Fabien L. Condamine, Alexandre Antonelli, Laura P. Lagomarsino, Carina Hoorn and Lee Hsiang Liow

19 Upland and Lowland Fishes: A Test of the River Capture Hypothesis 273
James S. Albert, Jack M. Craig, Victor A. Tagliacollo and Paulo Petry

20 Different Ways of Defining Diversity, and How to Apply Them in Montane Systems 295
Hanna Tuomisto

21 A Modeling Framework to Estimate and Project Species Distributions in Space and Time 309
Niels Raes and Jesus Aguirre-Gutierrez

Part III Mountains and Biota of the World 321

22 Evolution of the Isthmus of Panama: Biological, Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatological Implications 323
Carlos Jaramillo

23 The Tepuis of the Guiana Highlands 339
Otto Huber, Ghillean T. Prance, Salomon B. Kroonenberg and Alexandre Antonelli

24 Ice-Bound Antarctica: Biotic Consequences of the Shift from a Temperate to a Polar Climate 355
Peter Convey, Vanessa C. Bowman, Steven L. Chown, Jane E. Francis, Ceridwen Fraser, John L. Smellie, Bryan Storey and Aleks Terauds

25 The Biogeography, Origin and Characteristics of the Vascular Plant Flora and Vegetation of the New Zealand Mountains 375
Matt S. McGlone, Peter Heenan, Timothy Millar and Ellen Cieraad

26 The East African Rift System: Tectonics, Climate and Biodiversity 391
Uwe Ring, Christian Albrecht and Friedemann Schrenk

27 The Alps: A Geological, Climatic and Human Perspective on Vegetation History and Modern Plant Diversity 413
Severine Fauquette, Jean-Pierre Suc, Frederic Medail, Serge D. Muller, Gonzalo Jimenez-Moreno, Adele Bertini, Edoardo Martinetto, Speranta-Maria Popescu, Zhuo Zheng and Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu

28 Cenozoic Evolution of Geobiodiversity in the Tibeto-Himalayan Region 429
Volker Mosbrugger, Adrien Favre, Alexandra N. Muellner-Riehl, Martin Packert and Andreas Mulch

29 Neogene Paleoenvironmental Changes and their Role in Plant Diversity in Yunnan, South-Western China 449
Zhe-Kun Zhou, Tao Su and Yong-Jiang Huang

30 Influence of Mountain Formation on Floral Diversification in Japan, Based on Macrofossil Evidence 459
Arata Momohara

31 The Complex History of Mountain Building and the Establishment of Mountain Biota in Southeast Asia and Eastern Indonesia 475
Robert J. Morley

Index 495
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