ホーム Springer Handbooks Sale 2025 Humanities and Social science
International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Social (In)Justice
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1st ed. 2013
Series: Springer International Handbooks of Education
Author: Bogotch, Ira / Shields, Carolyn M.(Editor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789400765542
Date: 2013年12月

The International Handbook on Educational Leadership and Social (In)Justice creates a first-of-its-kind international forum on conceptualizing the meanings of social justice and leadership, research approaches in studying social justice and combating social injustices, school, university and teacher leadership for social justice, advocacy and advocates for social justice, socio-cultural representations of social injustices, glocal policies, and leadership development as interventions. The Handbook is as much forward-looking as it is a retrospective review of educational research literatures on social justice from a variety of educational subfields including educational leadership, higher education academic networks, special education, health education, teacher education, professional development, policy analyses, and multicultural education. The Handbook celebrates the promises of social justice while providing the educational leadership research community with concrete, contextualized illustrations on how to address inequities and combat social, political and economic injustices through the processes of education in societies and educational institutions around the world.

Introduction: Do Promises of Social Justice Trump Paradigms of Educational Leadership?
Ira Bogotch, Carolyn M. Shields

Conceptualizing Social Justice: More than a Definition
The Place of “Social Justice” in the Field of Educational Administration: A Journals-Based Historical Overview of Emergent Area of Study
Izhar Oplatka
“Creating Smooth Spaces in Striated Places”: Toward a Global Theory for Examining Social Justice Leadership in Schools
Katherine Cumings Mansfield
Educational Theory: The Specific Case of Social Justice as an Educational Leadership Construct
Ira Bogotch
Ethics and Social Justice: Strangers Passing in the Night?
Robert J. Starratt
Social and Cognitive Justice: The Social Relevance of the Higher Education in Latin America
Alejandra Montane Lopez, Judith Naidorf, Antonio Teodoro
A Grid and Group Explanation of Social Justice: An Example of Why Frameworks Are Helpful in Social Justice Discourse
Edward L. Harris
Who Among Us May Be Literate? Closing the Gap Between Literacy and Diversity
Charles Dukes, Kavin Ming

Approaches to Knowing/Studying Social Justice
Researching Leadership for Social Justice: Are Some Methods Better than Others?
Robert Donmoyer
Transforming (Un)Just Institutions: A Reflection on Methodology
Colleen L. Larson
Narrative Inquiry (NI) as an Exemplary Method for Social Justice Leadership
Alexandre Ibongya-Ilungu Muzaliwa, Mary E. Gardiner
A Bricolage of Voices: Lessons Learned from Feminist Analyses in Educational Leadership
Whitney Sherman-Newcomb
How Should Researchers Act in the Context of Social Injustice? Reflections on the Role of the Researcher as a Social Justice Leader
Dilys Schoorman
Social Justice in Education: Joy in Education and Education for Joy
Morwenna Griffiths
Critical Evocative Portraiture: Feminist Pathways to Social Justice
Linda L. Lyman, Angeliki Lazaridou, Jane Strachan
LeaderPAR: A Participatory Action Research Framework for School and Community Leadership
Gary L. Anderson, Erika Bernabei Middleton
Critical Reflective Practices: Connecting to Social Justice
Christa Boske
Projects from the Heart: For Educational Leaders
Lourdes Diaz Soto

Leadership for Social Justice
Leadership for Social Justice Education: A Critical Transformative Approach
Carolyn M. Shields
The Spatial Nature of Justice: A Scholar-Practitioner Perspective
Patrick M. Jenlink
Promoting Inclusive Leadership in Diverse Schools
James Ryan
Toward a Framework of Research and Practice for Social Justice Leadership: The Case of Cyprus
Michalinos Zembylas, Sotiroula Iasonos
Challenging Dominant Discourses of Home-School Partnerships in Indigenous Communities
Greer Johnson, Neil Dempster
Socially Just, Inclusive School Environments in the United States: Creating Spaces for Dialogue
Courtney L. Orzel
Narrative Dialogue and Teacher Leadership for Social Justice: Re-Storying to Understand
Lindsayanne Insana, Daniel Johnson Mardones, Hilarie Welsh, Marilyn Johnston-Parsons
Re-conceptualising Teacher Leadership Through Curriculum Inquiry in Pursuit of Social Justice: Case Study from the Canadian Context
Ann E. Lopez
Disrupting the Hegemonic Construction of Student Achievement: Diasporic Spaces
Marva McClean
School Leadership, Literacy and Social Justice: The Place of Local School Curriculum Planning and Reform
Annette Woods, Karen Dooley, Allan Luke, Beryl Exley
Leading for Social Justice in South African Schools: Where Have All the Activists Gone?
Carolyn (Callie) Grant

Advocacy/Advocates for Social Justice
Community Leadership: Seeking Social Justice While Re-creating Public Schools in Post-Katrina New Orleans
Brian R. Beabout
Making a Difference: The Balance of Stance and Strategy for Social Justice Advocacy
Phil Hunsberger, Phyllis Balcerzak
Confronting Social Injustices in the Praxis Wetlands Where Research, Policy, and Activism Integrate
Louise Gonsalvez
Schools for Capitalism, Corporativism, and Corruption: Examples from Turkey and the USA
Duncan Waite, Selahattin Turan, Juan Manuel Nino
The Courageous Conversations Project: Interrogating Perspectives and Perceptions of Race, Poverty, and Schooling in South Africa and the United States
Arnold Dodge, Berte van Wyk
Schools for Justice in the United States
Ivan Greenberg

Socio-cultural Representations of Social Injustices
Moving Beyond the Injustices of the Schooled Healthy Body
Erin Cameron, Jan Oakley, Gerald Walton, Constance Russell, Lori Chambers, Teresa Socha
Social [In]Justices of Women as School Principals in Lebanon
Bassel Akar, Maha Mouchantaf
Searching for Social Justice: An Examination of the Views of Alternative School Educators in the San Joaquin Valley of California
Monty J. Thornburg
Living with the Legacy of Conquest and Culture: Social Justice Leadership in Education and the Indigenous Peoples of Australia and America
Bronwyn Fredericks, Priscilla Maynor, Nereda White, Fenwick W. English, Lisa Catherine Ehrich
Corrupting Children: The Regulation of Children’s Gender Presentations and Identities and Implications for Educators and School Administrators
Gerald Walton
Zimbabwean Women Primary School Heads
Irene Muzvidziwa
Leadership, Educational Development, and Social Development
Joaquin Gairin, David Rodriguez-Gomez
Dominance Without Hegemony: Unmasking Social Injustice Leadership in University Education in Zimbabwe
Munyaradzi Hwami

Glocal Policy Interventions
Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs: The Case of Lebanon
Ahmad Oweini, Heyam Lutfi El Zein
Education Policy in Cyprus: From Decision-Making to Implementation
Christina Hajisoteriou, Panayiotis Angelides
The Role of Academicians’ Networks in Latin America: The Fight Against Social Injustices. An Institutional Challenge
Jose Antonio Ramirez-Diaz, Jesus Ruiz-Flores, Antonio Teodoro
Dilemmas and Challenges in Forging Social Cohesion Through Education: Emerging Struggles in Social Justice in Post-conflict Education in Sri Lanka
Damaris Wikramanayake
A Glimpse into Homelessness in the United States
Amy L. Warke
Reducing Socioeconomic Inequity by Improving the Equity of Education
Ned Van Steenwyk
The Overpowering Role of Policies in Constructing Social Identities of Children with Disabilities
Maha Damaj
Leadership for Social Justice Throughout Fifteen Years of Intervention in a Disadvantaged and Multicultural Canadian Urban Area: The Supporting Montreal Schools Program
Jean Archambault, Chantale Richer
Research for Social Justice in Contexts of Student and Family Homelessness
Peter M. Miller
Towards an Understanding of Social Justice in Our Schools: Globalization, Inclusive Leadership and the Transformation of Schooling
Robert E. White, Karyn Cooper
The State’s Responsibility to Fund Basic Education in Public Schools
Raj Mestry

Leadership Preparation as Intervention
Clarifying Conceptual Foundations for Social Justice in Education
Susan B. Feldman, Kersti Tyson
Issues of Social Justice and Fairness in the Development of Aspiring Head Teachers: I Had Not Really Thought About My Values Before…
Christine Forde
Cultural Dialogue as Social Justice Advocacy Within and Beyond University Classrooms
Carol A. Mullen, J. Kenneth Young, Sandra Harris
Beyond the Colorblind Perspective: Centering Issues of Race and Culture in Leadership Preparation Programs in Britain and the United States
Lauri Johnson, Rosemary Campbell-Stephens
Modeling Social Justice Educational Leadership: Self-Assessment for Equity (SAFE)
Zorka Karanxha, Vonzell Agosto, Aarti Bellara
Inserting Inclusivity and Social Justice into Conceptualizations of Leadership for Early Childhood: Theoretical Anchors and Postfoundational Pedagogies for Inspiring Provocations in the Field
Julie Nicholson
At the Intersections of Black and White: Defining Social Justice from Different Perspectives
Gretchen Givens Generett, Jill A. Perry, James E. Henderson
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